習慣培養系列:Day 8,怠惰的一天,來點輕鬆的看 IG 學英文吧

習慣培養系列:Day 8,怠惰的一天,來點輕鬆的看 IG 學英文吧

ThomasL@KH Lv4

31st, August, 2023:里茲螞蟻 IG 貼文跟讀練習

今天里茲螞蟻 IG 更新了一篇梅姨跟讀練習 ,就用這個當作學習素材吧!

1️⃣A friend of mine is a very anxious (B1) person. He’s always worried about everything.

2️⃣She made some feeble (C2) excuse about the car having broken down, but no one believed her.

3️⃣One thing I find unbearable about Taiwan is the hideous buildings all over the place. (不在CEFR語言架構中,可能是由於資料庫中這個字不常出現)

4️⃣When I found out that my passport was stolen, I was petrified (B2).

5️⃣I didn’t know the film had explicit (C2) sex scenes. There were certainly some very awkward moments with my date that night.

6️⃣Jamie Oliver’s TED Talk is eloquent and powerful, which totally changed my idea of the food I eat. (不在語言架構中)

7️⃣I had the most impressive dining experience last weekend. My friends took me to a Japanese restaurant and the food was absolutely exquisite (C2).

8️⃣After I started learning English at LeedsMayi, I’ve finally started having a tangible (C2) sense of progress.

剛好主題是一些比較有難度的形容詞,就試著用 Medium 的插圖功能來輔助今天的單字學習吧。



1. 里茲螞蟻 IG 朗讀練習(沒有做到 shadowing 跟讀,只有看著句子 read aloud 朗讀 )

  • Title: 習慣培養系列:Day 8,怠惰的一天,來點輕鬆的看 IG 學英文吧
  • Author: ThomasL@KH
  • Created at : 2023-08-31 21:47:27
  • Updated at : 2023-12-14 12:35:36
  • Link: https://thomaslatkh.github.io/2023/08/31/habits10/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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習慣培養系列:Day 8,怠惰的一天,來點輕鬆的看 IG 學英文吧