How to Start My Writing with a Joke

How to Start My Writing with a Joke

ThomasL@KH Lv4

3rd, September, 2023, Daily English Writing #2

When writing a paragraph, it is really useful to begin with a joke or meme from the Internet.


First, it helps me gather some idea, whether it is any comment about the joke or picture or some reflections. For example, I started my daily writing by referencing a picture from ‘The Language Nerds.’ It’s really interesting that people use some jargon to play with language.

首先我比較好蒐集靈感,無論是對這些笑話迷因的回饋或反思都是不錯的素材。像今天我就從 The Language Nerds 找到很有趣的圖片,用行話玩文字遊戲

(Resource: The Language Nerds)

Second, understanding an English joke can be a real challenge, but when I do understand a joke or meme written in English, I often learn something new. Today, for instance, I picked up some collocations like ‘under construction’ and ‘in demand.’

第二就是:理解英文笑話本身就可能是個挑戰。如果我能夠理解英文的笑話或迷因,那我通常從中有學到一點東西。今天的例子就是一些搭配詞像是 under construction, in demand 之類的用法。重點在那個介系詞啊!

Third, sense of humour varies from culture to culture. For example, my friend, who has been learning Japanese for several years, could hardly realize why I laughed so hard while watching a sitcom like ‘The Big Bang Theory’ or ‘What We Do in the Shadows.’ Likewise, when we watch Japanese animation together, I struggle to enjoy the plots as much as my friend does. He is more knowledgeable about Japanese culture and references. Evidently, learning through jokes or memes helps one become more familiar with a culture or community.


In conclusion, incorporating ideas from jokes or memes found on the Internet is an effective way to practice my daily English writing.


ChatGPT helped me revise the article. It fixed six major parts of these paragraphs, from word use, sentence structure to overall readability.

這篇文章是 ChapGPT 幫我改的,丟上去之後被AI洋洋灑灑改了六大段,從用字遣詞、句法結構到整體流暢度都修過不少。很多單字我就算認得也不會用啊!

Today’s progress

  1. Daily writing
  2. Touch-typing practice
  • Title: How to Start My Writing with a Joke
  • Author: ThomasL@KH
  • Created at : 2023-09-03 16:17:57
  • Updated at : 2023-12-14 12:51:11
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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How to Start My Writing with a Joke