CRPGs and Beyond: Game Translation Art

CRPGs and Beyond: Game Translation Art

ThomasL@KH Lv4

5th, September, 2023, Daily English Writing #4

I once harboured the ambition of creating and running my YouTube channel. However, a lack of consistent effort and a clear vision left my ambition as nothing more than an unattainable dream. I embarked on this journey, dedicating roughly a couple of months to it, but unfortunately, I received no positive feedback.

我曾經抱持著野心想要創立經營自己的 YouTube 頻道。但是在缺乏持續努力跟明確前瞻的狀況下,這個曾經的野心也只殘留無法觸及的夢想。之前我在這條路上奉獻了大約兩個月的努力,但是根本沒什麼正向回饋。

My YouTube channel focused on gaming and included a touch of English learning. For Asian otaku, it’s quite challenging to find a community that shares the same enthusiasm for learning English as it does for playing video games. Perhaps such a community exists, but their English proficiency surpasses mine by far.

我的 YouTube 頻道主要是關於遊戲和 一點點 的英語學習。以亞洲阿宅來說,要找到一群同時熱愛電玩遊戲又熱愛學習英文的人其實相當困難。可能有這樣的人,但是他們的英語水平肯定比我好得多。

For example, those who have contributed to the field of video game translation and localisation, especially in the realm of CRPGs, possess the remarkable ability to convert complex English content into Chinese while maintaining its readability without relying on AI or advanced technology. I still vividly recall my experience of playing Baldur’s Gate 2, and how its storytelling left me in awe. It was 20 years ago! During that era, neither Google nor AI translation tools were available. I can’t help but wonder about the incredible efforts invested by the localisation teams of that time.

比如說,曾經在遊戲翻譯和在地化作出貢獻(尤其是CRPG領域)的那群人,強大的實力足以在缺乏 AI 和先進科技的輔助下就把複雜的英文文本轉換成中文,甚至保留流暢的可讀性。柏德之門 2 的遊戲體驗,那些故事怎麼讓我震撼,到現在我都記得。這可是二十年前!那個時候既沒有 Google 也沒有 AI 翻譯工具可以用,我都很好奇那時候的團隊怎麼做到如此程度的!

Regardless, perhaps I could choose this topic for my future videos: exploring the treasures and gems of the past. With the assistance of ChatGPT, I could even attempt to script my videos in English!

無論怎麼說,或許之後我也可以把美好的老遊戲當成我未來的拍片主題。有了 ChatGPT 幫忙說不定我連文案稿都能用英文寫了XD

Today’s progress

  1. Daily writing: 6 out of 10 (scored by ChatGPT)
  2. Touch-typing practice
  • Title: CRPGs and Beyond: Game Translation Art
  • Author: ThomasL@KH
  • Created at : 2023-09-05 17:17:25
  • Updated at : 2023-12-14 13:41:44
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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CRPGs and Beyond: Game Translation Art