My ChatGPT Journey: From Writing to Video Scripting

My ChatGPT Journey: From Writing to Video Scripting

ThomasL@KH Lv4

6th, September, 2023, Daily English Writing #5

Yesterday I was reflecting on my experience of running my YouTube channel, and afterward, I just couldn’t resist the urge to create a new video. Managing a self-media platform can be quite addictive, especially when a fresh idea bubbles up, and one is eager to share it. So, what is the idea that had me so enthusiastic?

昨天我在反思著之前做 YouTube 頻道的那點事,然後突然有股難以抵抗的衝動想要來做個影片。經營自媒體平台真的會上頭,尤其是有個新鮮的念頭冒出來,又迫不及待想要分享的時候。所以是哪個念頭讓我這麼熱切呢?

I decided to leverage ChatGPT to generate a script for my video, and it was a game-changer. The process was remarkably efficient, saving me a substantial amount of time. All I needed to do was instruct ChatGPT on the topic and style I desired, and within a minute, it generated a script tailored to my needs. Of course, I still had to review and edit the draft, but I found it incredibly useful.

我決定善加利用 ChatGPT 來幫我的影片寫稿,而且這真的是改變遊戲規則。整個過程超有效率,省下我大筆的時間。我要做的就只有下指令告訴 ChatGPT 我要的主題跟風格,然後在短短一分鐘之內,它就把符合我需求的文案生出來了。當然我還是要對草稿做檢查和編輯,不過實用程度真的有夠誇張。

UP to this point, I’ve incorporated AI into my daily English writing and even harnessed it to assist me in scripting my videos. What’s next? Perhaps in the near future, I will explore even more possibilities with ChatGPT, allowing me to delve into areas of interest I’ve never tried before!

到目前為止,我已經把 AI 融入到我的每日英文寫作,甚至還用來寫我的影片稿了。之後會是什麼呢?不久後還能探索更多的可能,發掘以前都沒試過的興趣領域也說不定!

Today’s progress

  1. Daily writing: Overall 6.5/10, scored by ChatGPT
  2. Touch-typing practice (with little attention)
  • Title: My ChatGPT Journey: From Writing to Video Scripting
  • Author: ThomasL@KH
  • Created at : 2023-09-07 01:12:32
  • Updated at : 2023-12-14 13:49:18
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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My ChatGPT Journey: From Writing to Video Scripting