Learning in English Writing

Learning in English Writing

ThomasL@KH Lv4

7th, September, 2023, Daily English Writing #6

Overall Score for the Original Article: 4/10

Vocabulary Use: 4/10

Sentence Structure: 4/10

Readability: 4/10

I couldn’t generate any good ideas today, so I opted to revisit yesterday’s English writing task. I reviewed and edited my work yesterday, but I believe that alone is insufficient for effective learning. The underlying reason is quite evident: the AI performed most of the work, and I merely followed its lead, turning me into a mimic rather than an independent thinker capable of critical and thoughtful reflection.

我今天想不到什麼好題材,所以我決定重新檢查昨天寫的英文作文。昨天我有稍作檢討跟編輯,但是要用來學英文昨天做的還不夠。最根本的原因顯而易見:AI 幾乎全部搞定了,而我照著 AI 給我的東西抄,這樣變成我就只是個模仿者,而不是一個具有批判性和慎重思考能力的獨立個體。

Firstly, to improve my writing, I need to pay close attention to the use of transitional phrases. ChatGPT has repeatedly highlighted the necessity of incorporating transitional phrases like ‘additionally’ and ‘furthermore’ to enhance the reader’s comprehension. In essence, employing these phrases correctly can significantly improve the readability of my articles.

首先,為了改善我的寫作,我需要留意轉折用語的使用。ChatGPT 改了好幾次了,要在文章裡加入「此外」和「而且」這類的轉折用語引導讀者閱讀理解。重點就是正確使用這些短語可以大大改善文章的可讀性。

Secondly, I need to explore synonyms and more descriptive language to make the text more engaging and varied. To achieve this goal, extensive reading is essential. The greater the volume of my reading, the more insights I can glean from the materials. I don’t necessarily need to focus solely on textbooks. In fact, regular exposure to English-learning news is adequate. For instance, BBC Learning English provides a wealth of valuable resources.

其次,我需要探索同義詞還有描述力更強的用詞,寫出來的作品才夠多樣,也才能吸引人閱讀。要實現這個目標,大量閱讀是不可避免的。我看的越多,就可以從這些材料中學到更多。沒必要專注在教科書上面。其實定期接觸給學習者的英語新聞就很夠用了。例如 BBC Learning English 就有豐富的資源。

In conclusion, incorporating transitional phrases and engaging in diverse reading will undoubtedly enhance my writing skills.


Today’s progress

  1. Daily writing: Overall 4/10, BOOM!
  2. Touch-typing practice (still with little attention, ha ha ha…)
  • Title: Learning in English Writing
  • Author: ThomasL@KH
  • Created at : 2023-09-07 22:29:19
  • Updated at : 2023-12-14 13:56:27
  • Link: https://thomaslatkh.github.io/2023/09/07/English_writing01/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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Learning in English Writing