The Art of Practice: A Valuable Lesson

The Art of Practice: A Valuable Lesson

ThomasL@KH Lv4

8th, September, 2023, Daily English Writing #7

Revised by ChatGPT

One day, I came across a story. This story revolves around an art teacher, a group of students, and an intriguing experiment.


The art teacher was curious about the effectiveness of two different strategies: concentrating on a single painting or creating multiple paintings. The teacher divided his students into two distinct groups. Group A students were tasked with selecting a subject for their individual paintings and putting forth their utmost effort to refine them. They were given one month to accomplish this assignment. Conversely, for Group B, the challenge was to complete daily assignments, producing one painting per day. Essentially, they were required to produce 30 paintings within the span of a month.

這位藝術老師很好奇不同策略哪一種效率更好:專心致志於一幅畫,或創作多多益善。老師將學生分為兩組。A 組的學生們被要求選擇一幅畫的主題,並盡最大努力繪製和修飾這幅畫。他們有一個月的時間完成這幅畫作。相反地,B 組的挑戰是完成每日任務,每天創作一幅畫。基本上,他們必須在一個月內畫出 30 幅作品。

One month later, all the students submitted their creations. To the teacher’s astonishment, the students in Group B were more satisfied with their artwork. Their varied daily assignments allowed them to select their ‘masterpiece of the month’. Furthermore, the teacher observed that students in Group B made significant progress, and their performances excelled. In this scenario, despite students in Group A having the opportunity to continuously refine their artwork over a month, their results did not surpass those of the other group.

一個月後,所有學生都交出了他們的作品。令老師驚訝的是,B 組的學生對他們的作品更滿意。多樣的每日作業使他們能夠選擇他們的「本月最佳」。此外,老師還觀察到 B 組的學生取得了顯著的進步,表現也更出色。在這種情況下,儘管 A 組的學生有機會在一個月內不斷完善他們的作品,但他們的結果並未超越另一組。

Therefore, I must remember that as a learner, the quantity of practice is crucial!


This time I asked ChatGPT to show me the details of scoring:

Your vocabulary is somewhat limited, relying on common words and phrases. To improve this aspect, try to incorporate more diverse and advanced vocabulary to make your writing more engaging and expressive.

Sentence Structure (6/10):

While your sentences are generally clear, there are areas where sentence structure could be more varied and sophisticated. Experiment with different sentence structures to enhance the overall quality of your writing.

Clarity and Coherence (6/10):

The article is generally clear and coherent, but there are moments where the flow could be smoother. Pay attention to transitions between sentences and paragraphs to create a more seamless reading experience.

Engagement (5/10):

The article could benefit from more engaging elements to capture the reader’s attention. Consider incorporating anecdotes, examples, or vivid descriptions to make the content more compelling.

Depth of Content (5/10):

While you introduce the topic of the art teacher’s experiment, there is room for more depth and detail in storytelling. Expanding on the experiment’s context and the experiences of the students could make the narrative more engaging.

Overall Score for Original Version: 5.4/10

This detailed evaluation highlights specific areas for improvement in your original blog article, focusing on vocabulary use, sentence structure, clarity, engagement, and the depth of content.

Today’s progress

  1. Daily writing: overall 5.4/10
  2. Touch-typing practice
  • Title: The Art of Practice: A Valuable Lesson
  • Author: ThomasL@KH
  • Created at : 2023-09-08 18:17:27
  • Updated at : 2023-12-15 15:57:18
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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The Art of Practice: A Valuable Lesson