The Golden Girls is Fun!

The Golden Girls is Fun!

ThomasL@KH Lv4

11th, September, 2023, Daily English Writing #10

I hate hospitals. My friend Manny Fishbein went into the hospital a healthy guy. Then boom, boom, dead, just like that, in his sleep. 98 years old. No apparent cause.


The Golden Girls, S1E4, 20:50, Sophia’s remark about hospitals.

The following article was revised by ChatGPT

Learning English via watching TV series is a good method; however, I always binge-watch too many episodes, forgetting about learning.

With the proliferation of streaming services, being glued to the screen and watching episodes back to back has become increasingly common.



For example, earlier today, I was trying to find some inspirational ideas for my daily writing, so I started to watch The Golden Girls, one of my favourite TV series, to see if I can quote from it. I soon found myself engrossed and ended up watching all the way through to episode 4 (with Chinese subtitles on, of course). That’s why the quotation at the beginning of this blog post is from episode 4, instead of episode 1.

舉例來說,今天,我打算找一些激勵人心的點子來寫我的每日文章,所以我點開我超喜歡的電視劇黃金女郎,看我可不可以引用一些橋段。 沒多久我就發現自己看得太過投入,結果一路看到第 4 集才停(當然是带中文字幕的)。這就是為什麼這篇文章開頭引用來自第 4 集,而不是第 1 集的原因。

In fact, it’s reasonable to argue that the addictive design of streaming services encourages the audience to binge-watch. Nonetheless, as an English learner, I must resist the urge and take notes. Even the smallest notes will undoubtedly be helpful, whether they are about the plot or useful expressions.


After all, the convenience provided by streaming services is highly desirable for English learners. Firstly, we can switch between English and Chinese subtitles, allowing us to jot down the vocabulary or expressions we want to pick up. Moreover, we can pause and play back anytime, significantly reducing the difficulty of listening practice. Furthermore, we can revisit our beloved series as many times as we wish!


In conclusion, I must remind myself not to watch series only for fun! I should always remember to learn some expressions!


Vocabulary Use: 6/10

While the article effectively uses vocabulary related to the topic of English learning through TV series, there is room for improvement in terms of using more diverse and descriptive language. For example, you could incorporate a wider range of synonyms and expressive phrases to enhance the vocabulary.

Grammar Use: 7/10

Overall, the grammar in the article is quite sound. However, there are some minor issues with sentence structure and tense consistency that can be refined for better clarity. For instance, in “That’s the reason the quotation on top of this blog post is from episode 4, instead of episode 1,” it could be improved by saying, “That’s why the quotation at the beginning of this blog post is from episode 4 rather than episode 1.”

Sentence Structure and Coherence: 6/10

The article features short sentences, and while this can be suitable for a casual blog post, some variation in sentence length and structure could make it more engaging. Additionally, transitions between ideas could be smoother to improve coherence. For instance, the transition between discussing binge-watching and providing a specific example could be more seamless.

Readability: 7/10

The article maintains a conversational and relatable tone, making it fairly readable. However, as mentioned earlier, varying sentence structures and improving transitions could enhance overall readability.

Overall Scoring: 6.5/10

Your article effectively addresses the topic of learning English through TV series and highlights the challenges of binge-watching. However, there is room for improvement in vocabulary use and sentence structure to enhance engagement and readability.

Today’s progress

  1. Daily writing: overall 6.5/10
  2. Touch-typing practice
  3. YouTube Shorts (For pronunciation and video editing practice)
  • Title: The Golden Girls is Fun!
  • Author: ThomasL@KH
  • Created at : 2023-09-11 22:19:04
  • Updated at : 2023-12-15 17:09:52
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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The Golden Girls is Fun!