Change Your Name, Free Sandwiches Await!

Change Your Name, Free Sandwiches Await!

ThomasL@KH Lv4

13th, September, 2023, Daily English Writing #12


Revised by ChatGPT

Yesterday, I stumbled upon an intriguing news story about Subway, the renowned international fast-food chain known for its sandwiches and salads. The company had launched a marketing campaign that offered a fascinating prize: free sandwiches for life to anyone willing to legally change their first name to ‘Subway.’ Surprisingly, around 10,000 people eagerly participated in this unique activity, hoping to win this extraordinary prize. This news immediately reminded me of a similar incident that occurred earlier in Taiwan, famously known as the ‘salmon chaos.’

昨天,我偶然發現了一則有趣的新聞,關於賽百味(Subway),這家以三明治和沙拉而聞名的國際快餐連鎖店。該公司開展了一項行銷活動,提供一個誘人的獎勵:願意合法更改名字為「賽百味」的人可以終身免費享用三明治。令人驚訝的是,約有 10,000 人熱切參與了這個獨特的活動,希望奪得大獎。這則新聞立刻讓我想起了早些時候在臺灣也有類似事件,鼎鼎大名的「鮭魚之亂」。

The news provided some interesting statistics, shedding light on the underlying premise of its marketing strategy: motivating customers to engage in unusual and attention-grabbing acts in exchange for complimentary sandwiches. One remarkable example was James Kunz, who won a lifetime supply of sandwiches by getting a 12-by-12 inch Subway logo tattoo. Clearly, he has an unwavering passion for sandwiches! Additionally, the company also rewarded eight individuals who acquired 3-inch tattoos with a year’s worth of free sandwiches.

這則新聞提供了一些有趣的統計,揭示了其行銷策略的基本前提:鼓勵顧客以引人注目的行為換取免費三明治。一個有名的例子是詹姆斯·昆茲(James Kunz),他通過紋上一個 12x12 英寸的賽百味標誌紋身贏得了終身供應的三明治。顯然,他對三明治有著不動搖的熱情!此外,該公司還以一年的免費三明治頒發給其他八位刺上了 3 英寸紋身的人。

For those who might be unfamiliar with the ‘salmon chaos’ phenomenon in Taiwan, it revolved around a Japanese conveyor belt sushi chain called Sushiro and its unique promotion. During a specific timeframe, individuals with legal names containing the word ‘salmon’ (in Chinese, of course) were entitled to indulge in an all-you-can-eat buffet at Sushiro, free of charge. This announcement led to a surge in people changing their names to take advantage of this opportunity. As more and more people joined in, criticism and disapproval began to surface. Eventually, the public and media coined the term ‘salmon chaos’ to describe this captivating and somewhat bizarre phenomenon.


These stories serve as a testament to the tremendous impact marketing campaigns can have. Marketing strategies vary widely, and nobody can predict which one will create a massive wave and go viral. Without a doubt, both Subway and Sushiro have etched memorable pages in the history of modern marketing.


ChatGPT’s scoring:

Vocabulary Use: 6/10

Your vocabulary use is decent, with some advanced words like “remarkable” and “phenomenon.” However, there are minor issues with word choice and phrasing that could be improved for clarity and precision.

Grammar Use: 7/10

Your grammar usage is generally good, with proper sentence structures and punctuation. However, there are some grammatical errors and awkward phrasings in a few places that need attention.

Sentence Structure and Coherence: 6/10

Your sentences are mostly clear, but there are instances where sentence structure and coherence could be improved for better flow and readability. Pay attention to sentence variety.

Readability: 6/10

The article is readable, but it could benefit from better organization and smoother transitions between ideas. Some paragraphs are quite lengthy, which can make the text feel dense. Break them down for easier readability.

Overall Scoring: 6.2/10

Your article discusses interesting marketing campaigns effectively, but it requires improvements in vocabulary diversity, sentence structure, and coherence to enhance its overall quality.

In summary, your article has potential but needs some refinements to make it more engaging and clear. Keep working on your writing skills, and you’ll continue to improve.

Today’s progress

  1. Daily writing: overall 6.2/10
  2. Touch-typing practice
  • Title: Change Your Name, Free Sandwiches Await!
  • Author: ThomasL@KH
  • Created at : 2023-09-13 21:59:52
  • Updated at : 2023-12-15 17:39:05
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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Change Your Name, Free Sandwiches Await!