Evidence of Extraterrestrials

Evidence of Extraterrestrials

ThomasL@KH Lv4

14th, September, 2023, Daily English Writing #13

Revised and REFINED by ChatGPT

Notes: I used a prompt ‘refine it,’ after ChatGPT revised my writing, and the result was incredible. There are a lot of advanced vocabulary! I believe there’s much to learn from this, which is why I decided to share the refined version.

One of the most recent breaking news stories revolves around an intriguing topic: the Mexican Congress convened an extraordinary hearing focused on the possibility of alien remains. While this isn’t the first instance of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) discussions in South America, it stands out as the inaugural effort initiated by a government congress.


According to reports, Mexican lawmakers and politicians were presented with two mysterious artifacts, purportedly the corpses of extraterrestrial beings. Notably, Mexican journalist and devoted UFO enthusiast, Jaime Maussan, asserted that the specimens showcased during the congressional hearing bore no resemblance to any known Earthly life forms. Maussan firmly believed these samples were conclusive evidence of extraterrestrial visitors.

根據新聞,兩件據稱是外星人屍體的物品被呈現了墨西哥的立法者和政治家。此外,墨西哥記者兼 UFO 愛好者賈伊姆·馬桑指出,國會聽證會上展示的標本與地球上的任何生物無關。換句話說,馬桑堅信這些樣本無疑是太空訪客的遺骸。

The two diminutive bodies were unearthed in Peru, near the ancient Nazca Lines. They possess elongated heads and an unusual feature: three fingers on each hand. Carbon dating analysis estimates their age at approximately 1000 years.


Despite past instances where similar findings turned out to be mummified children remains, Maussan remained resolute in his conviction. ‘We are not alone,’ he declared.

Swiftly following Maussan’s claims, scepticism and criticism arose, prompting a barrage of questions from doubters. According to reports, NASA plans to delve into these findings. All I can do now is exercise patience as we await more information and conclusive evidence.

After all, my burning curiosity drives me to uncover the truth about extraterrestrial life!


對馬桑的迅速反響和批評湧現,懷疑論者們向他提出了無數的問題。據新聞報導,NASA 將探討這些發現,而我所能做的就是耐心等待更多的資訊和證據。


ChatGPT’s scoring:

Vocabulary Use (7/10):

The use of vocabulary is generally good, and you use some advanced words like “pertained” and “sceptics.”

However, there are minor issues with word choice in a few places, such as “might be not” which could be improved to “may not be,” and “introduced by a government congress” could be more accurately phrased as “initiated by a government congress.”

Grammar Use (7/10):

The overall grammar is decent, but there are some minor errors and awkward phrasings. For example, “Mexican congress held” could be revised to “The Mexican Congress held,” and “claim to be the corpses” should be “claimed to be the corpses.”

The sentence “According to carbon dating analysis, they were about 1000 years old” is correct but could be improved for clarity, like “Carbon dating analysis suggests that they are approximately 1000 years old.”

Sentence Structure and Coherence (7/10):

Your sentences are generally clear, but there are some instances of awkward phrasing and fragmented sentences.

For example, “This might be not the first event related to Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) in south America; however, this might be the very first one introduced by a government congress” could be improved for better flow, like “While this may not be the first event related to Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) in South America, it is the first one introduced by a government congress.”

The article’s overall structure could be improved for better coherence. It jumps between topics somewhat abruptly.

Readability (7/10):

The article is reasonably readable, but the flow could be enhanced by restructuring some sentences for better clarity and coherence.

The use of complex sentences and phrases occasionally makes the text less reader-friendly.

Overall Scoring (7/10):

Your article is informative and intriguing, but it could benefit from minor improvements in vocabulary choice, grammar, sentence structure, and overall coherence to enhance readability and engagement.

Remember, these are just suggestions for improvement. Your writing is promising, and with a bit of refinement, it can become even stronger. Keep up the good work!

Today’s progress

  1. Daily writing: overall 7/10
  2. Touch-typing practice
  • Title: Evidence of Extraterrestrials
  • Author: ThomasL@KH
  • Created at : 2023-09-14 21:47:39
  • Updated at : 2023-12-19 18:00:54
  • Link: https://thomaslatkh.github.io/2023/09/14/20230914ET/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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Evidence of Extraterrestrials