Friendship Never Dies, but Fades Away

Friendship Never Dies, but Fades Away

ThomasL@KH Lv4

16th, September, 2023, Daily English Writing #15

Revised and Refined by ChatGPT

This is a simple summary and a brief reflection on ‘BBC 6 Minute English: Making Male Friends .’

這是對《BBC 6 分鐘英語:結交男性朋友》的簡單摘要和反思。

According to Oxford University’s Institute of Cognitive Anthropology, how many close friends do people need to maintain their mental health? The answer is five. Five close friends can help us construct a core friendship circle, and another ten friends can build up a supporting network. A total of fifteen friends is essentially beneficial to our mental well-being.


It’s often said that women possess better abilities than men when it comes to making and maintaining close friendships. In my opinion, females indeed excel at nurturing and sustaining these bonds. While I’m not an expert in statistics, I can offer an example from my own life.


Consider one of my female friends who frequently engages in various activities with her female companions. They explore local restaurants with exquisite decor and delightful cuisine, or they meticulously plan overseas trips. Life for them is vibrant and bathed in sunshine, mirroring the enduring nature of their friendship.


In contrast, my experience with managing relationships tells a different story altogether. In the BBC podcast, the anchors introduced the term ‘drift away’ to describe how people gradually grow apart. This resonates with the path my friends and I have taken over the years — drifting until our connections have fractured. I can no longer accept this reality. In fact, two of my friends have drifted away from me, or more accurately, we’ve drifted apart.

相比之下,我在處理人際關系方面的經驗卻截然不同。在 BBC 播客中,主持人介紹了 ** 漸行漸遠 **(drift away)這個說法來描述人們是如何逐漸疏遠的。這與我和朋友們多年來走過的道路相符 — — 逐漸疏遠,直到我們之間斷開連結。這個現實簡直讓我難以承受。事實上,我的兩位朋友已經與我疏遠了,更準確地說,我們彼此漸行漸遠。

Author Max Dickins was the creative force behind ‘Billy No-Mates,’ a book with a title that evokes mixed reactions. People either love his writing or find it unpalatable. According to the podcast, Max is an outgoing, friendly and extroverted individual who relishes meeting new people. Loneliness shouldn’t have been a challenge for him. However, the absence of a best man at his wedding gave birth to this remarkable book. It’s a captivating twist, isn’t it?

作家馬克斯・狄金斯(Max Dickins)是《Billy No-Mates》的作者,他用這個可能引發不同反應的俚語作為書的標題。人們要麼喜歡他的寫作,不然就是這本書令人不快。根據播客的介紹,馬克斯是一個外向、友善和開朗的人,喜歡結交朋友。他不太可能經歷孤獨的艱難時光。然而,婚禮上缺乏伴郎這一經歷促使他寫下了這本書。引人入勝,不是嗎?

In conclusion, while the saying goes, ‘a friend in need is a friend indeed,’ I’d propose a slight alteration: ‘friendship never dies, it just fades away.’


Today’s progress

  1. Daily writing: overall 7/10, ChatGPT gave me a B on a GPA scale
  2. Touch-typing practice
  • Title: Friendship Never Dies, but Fades Away
  • Author: ThomasL@KH
  • Created at : 2023-09-16 22:02:04
  • Updated at : 2023-12-20 23:49:07
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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Friendship Never Dies, but Fades Away