Web Crafting Chronicles: A Novice's Digital Odyssey

Web Crafting Chronicles: A Novice's Digital Odyssey

ThomasL@KH Lv4

On the Road to Building my Website



This is my first time to totally embrace technology and try to build my digital home. In my previous experiences, most of the time I was switching from platform to platform. This time I read a lot of articles on the Internet and consulted with my engineer friend; I even tried to use cmd and directly input commands under the terminal like the traditional Microsoft Dos interface. Thanks to the development of modern technology and the sharing spirit of Internet, I eventually built this website.


這是我第一次完全擁抱技術,並嘗試建立我的數字之家。在我的以往經驗中,我大多數時間都在不同平台之間切換。這一次,我閱讀了很多網上文章,諮詢了我的工程師朋友;我甚至嘗試使用 cmd 並直接在終端下輸入命令,就像傳統的 Microsoft Dos 介面。多虧了現代技術的發展和互聯網的分享精神,我最終建立了這個網站。

References and Useful Tools

It is essential to build a suitable environment for constructing my own website. Sadly, I didn’t save all the links and articles I read. I think it would be better if I save all the links and create a list for myself. As a novice, I will definitely need those fundamental guide on my journey of building and maintaining my website. However, there are two extremely reliable articles I can share. Both of them provides good instruction pertaining to ‘how to convert my Medium posts into markdown format.’ They are written in Chinese, therefore I don’t have to overcome the barrier of language to understand the technical terms.



Here are the reference links:

  1. Github + Hexo 搭建个人博客超详细教程
  2. Redefine docs
  3. 試著學 Hexo 系列
  4. 再會了,Medium 搬家到 Hexo 心得
  5. 談再整理自己的文章(上) — 5分鐘匯出 Medium 和 Wordpress 文章至 Markdown

Issues I Encountered

The first challenge for a person without technical backbround is always the same: How to build the environment. It is straightforward for a software engineer to install relative and required suites. However, the very first step can be an annoying pitfall for a novice. Take this case for an instance, I was completely confused by Git and Github. What is the difference between these things? Should I sign up for a Github account first? Without my friend’s help and the reference data, I wouldn’t have made my website.

Another major issue I faced was how to collect my previous works. Not until I googled did I realise that I can download my posts from Medium and transfer them into markdown format via a software. Actually I struggled with this process for several hours; fortunately I successfully got this done.




Progress I Made

So far I’ve built a rudimentary framework of my digital home. I must say: It is the most productive project I have done this year. In addition, I think it is about accumulation: If it were not for my commencement of writing a blog, I would not end up creating a website! Despite the fact that the website is simply a static webpage serving as my blog, I am ecstatic and satisfied that I unlock my new potential.



Future Plan

In the near future, I am planning to move my blog posts from Medium to my personal website. To obtain this goal, I need to be familiar with the current tools, hexo and markdown. In other words, I can not only play around with my website but also practise some new skills. Hopefully I can stay productive and motivated!



Editor’s Comment:
In the symphony of coding, our author has composed a digital opus, bravely venturing where syntax and pixels converge. With the perplexities of Git and the triumph over Medium posts, this odyssey is a testament to conquering the web!
編輯評論: 在編碼的交響樂中,我們的作者創作了一部數字史詩,勇敢地涉足語法和像素交匯的領域。通過Git的複雜性和對Medium文章的勝利,這是征服網絡的明證!



Vocabulary use: 9/10

Grammar use: 8.5/10

Sentence structure and coherence: 8/10

Readability: 9/10

Overall scoring: 8.6/10

GPA standard: A-

The vocabulary use is rich and contributes to a detailed and informative narrative.
Clear introduction and well-structured sections make the content easy to follow.
The reference links add credibility and provide additional resources for readers.

Some sentences could benefit from minor adjustments for smoother flow and coherence.

Sentence structure: Continue refining sentence structures for enhanced coherence.
Grammar use: Maintain consistency in grammar application for even smoother readability.
Great job on incorporating reference links; keep utilizing external resources for added depth.

GPA standard: The writing demonstrates a strong command of language with minor areas for improvement. The content effectively communicates the author's journey of building a website, providing valuable insights and resources.

ChatGPT’s Revision

On the Road to Building My Website: Embracing the Digital Frontier

Venturing into the realm of technology, I’ve embarked on creating my digital abode for the first time. Unlike previous attempts where I hopped between platforms, this time, armed with newfound determination, I delved into articles and sought guidance from my engineer friend. Even the archaic charm of cmd under the terminal, akin to the traditional Microsoft DOS interface, found its way into my exploration. Thanks to modern technology and the generous spirit of the internet, my website emerged victorious.

References and Useful Tools:
Establishing a conducive environment for website construction is paramount. Although I regrettably failed to preserve all the links and articles I perused, I recognise the wisdom in creating a list for future reference. As a novice, fundamental guides will undoubtedly prove invaluable on my website-building odyssey. Two particularly reliable articles, both guiding me on converting Medium posts to markdown format, are written in Chinese, eliminating the language barrier for me.

Issues I Encountered:
The initial challenge for a tech neophyte remains a perennial one: constructing the environment. While a software engineer seamlessly installs requisite suites, novices grapple with this vexing pitfall. Git and Github became a bewildering maze until my friend’s intervention clarified their distinctions. Another significant hurdle was retrieving my previous works, eventually overcome by discovering software that facilitated the download of Medium posts into markdown format.

Progress I Made:
A skeletal framework for my digital home now stands, marking the most productive project of my year. The journey, catalysed by my foray into blogging, has unlocked new potential. Despite its simplicity as a static blog page, the satisfaction derived is immeasurable.

Future Plan:
In the immediate future, I aspire to transplant my blog posts from Medium to my personal website. This entails mastering current tools like Hexo and Markdown, providing not only a playground for my website but also an arena to acquire new skills. May productivity and motivation continue to be my steadfast companions!


踏入科技的領域,我首次踏上了建立我的數字居所之旅。不同於以往在不同平台間遊走的嘗試,這一次,憑藉新發現的決心,我深入研讀文章並向工程師朋友尋求指導。甚至終端下的 cmd,類似於傳統的 Microsoft DOS 介面,也在我的探索中找到了位置。多虧現代技術和互聯網的慷慨精神,我的網站勝利地浮現。

為建立網站的環境至關重要。儘管我遺憾地未能保存所有閱讀的鏈接和文章,但我意識到為將來創建一個列表是明智之舉。作為新手,基本指南無疑將在我建站的過程中證明其無價。其中兩篇特別可靠的文章都指導我將 Medium 的文章轉換為 markdown 格式,並以中文撰寫,消除了語言障礙。

對於技術新手來說,最初的挑戰始終是一個永恆的問題:構建環境。雖然軟體工程師可以輕鬆安裝所需的套件,但新手們卻在這個令人惱火的陷阱中掙扎。Git 和 Github 在我的朋友介入之前變得令人困惑。另一個重大障礙是檢索以前的作品,最終通過發現一款軟體,有助於將 Medium 文章下載為 markdown 格式。


在不久的將來,我希望將我的博客文章從 Medium 搬遷到我的個人網站。這需要掌握像 Hexo 和 Markdown 這樣的當前工具,為我的網站提供不僅是一個遊樂場,還是獲得新技能的場所。願生產力和動力繼續做我的忠實伴侶!

  • Title: Web Crafting Chronicles: A Novice's Digital Odyssey
  • Author: ThomasL@KH
  • Created at : 2023-12-13 22:50:00
  • Updated at : 2023-12-14 21:28:35
  • Link: https://thomaslatkh.github.io/2023/12/13/Construction02/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.