Crafting Brilliance: An Odyssey in Website Refinement

Crafting Brilliance: An Odyssey in Website Refinement

ThomasL@KH Lv4

Editing my Early Posts



Today marks the third day of delving into the construction of my website. In order to polish my pages, I employed some useful tools. The major distinctive feature of Hexo is I can customise my own website. This not only provides me excitement but also raise my anxiety. The fact that I have no technology background is my top concern. Nevertheless, it’s always practical to learn by doing. In addition, I can immediately witness what I do to my website, which makes the whole procedure rewarding and satisfying.



Make it fun!

In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun! –Mary Poppins

The fun I found is to incorporate AI image generator into my editing process. Previously, on Medium, I relied on it’s Unsplash service to search for pictures related to my article. After I built my website, I no longer have access to the free image service. Without beautiful pictures, my posts seem plain and lacklustre. However, the solution is on the Internet: There are several free AI image generator websites. I can extract some keywords from my article as prompts to command the AI to generate images for me. The artificial intellingence is undoubtedly a powerful game changer!





Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. – T.S. Eliot

There are still some issues. I never thought I can go this far, and I don’t have any backups. Most of my early posts were revised by ChatGPT, which means the quality of those articles are beyond my real writing level. In addition, my modus operandi evolved several times. For example, my ChatGPT scoring prompts experienced numerous revisions. Because of my initial no-backup policy, I can’t retrieve my original early posts. Fortunately, I can still exhibit the ChatGPT revised edition here.




It’s all part of learning process

The most important thing is through the process of building my website, I learnt a lot of new stuffs. In addition, I embraced some new tools and arranged my workflow again. For instance, I used to write my article on the Medium interface, but now I started to employ Visual Studio Code as my main tool for writing. The world is full of changes and challenges, isn’t it? The only thing we can do is keep learning!


最重要的是通過建立網站的過程,我學到了很多新東西。此外,我接受了一些新工具,並重新安排了我的工作流程。例如,我曾經在Medium界面上寫文章,但現在我開始使用Visual Studio Code作為我的主要寫作工具。這個世界充滿了變化和挑戰,不是嗎?我們唯一能做的就是不斷學習!

Editor’s Comment:
In the symphony of web creation, our author not only embraces the tech symposium of Hexo but dances with AI to paint their digital canvas. The absence of backups adds suspense to the plot—will the ChatGPT revisions steal the show?
編輯評論: 在網站創建的交響曲中,我們的作者不僅擁抱Hexo的技術研討會,還與人工智慧共舞,為他們的數字畫布添彩。缺少備份為情節增添了懸念 - - ChatGPT的修改會否成為主角?



Vocabulary use: 9/10
Grammar use: 8.5/10
Sentence structure and coherence: 8.5/10
Readability: 9/10
Overall scoring: 8.8/10
GPA standard: A-

The vocabulary is diverse and effectively used to convey ideas with precision.
The incorporation of an AI image generator adds an interesting and practical dimension to the editing process.
The use of quotes enhances the narrative and provides additional layers to the content.

Some sentences could benefit from minor adjustments for improved coherence.

Sentence structure: Continue refining sentence structures for enhanced coherence.

Grammar use: Maintain consistency in grammar application for even smoother readability.
The integration of AI tools is a great addition; keep exploring innovative ways to enhance your content.

GPA standard: The writing consistently demonstrates a strong command of language with a few areas for improvement. The content effectively communicates the author's experience in editing early posts for the website, with engaging elements like AI image generation and quotes.

ChatGPT’s revision

Crafting Refinement: Navigating Website Construction


On this, the third day of my website construction odyssey, I find solace in the utility of Hexo's customisation features. The prospect of tailoring my website brings both excitement and trepidation, given my non-tech background. Yet, learning by doing proves practical, allowing me to witness immediate changes, turning the process into a rewarding journey.  

Make it Fun!

"In every job that must be done, there is an element of fun!" —Mary Poppins  

Amidst the construction, I uncovered a delightful addition: integrating an AI image generator into my editing toolkit. Formerly reliant on Medium's Unsplash service for images, I faced a void upon moving to my website. Enter AI image generators, where keywords from my articles command the AI to conjure relevant images—a powerful game-changer.  


"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go." —T.S. Eliot  

However, risks abound. Progressing this far without backups for my early posts, primarily revised by ChatGPT, leaves me pondering the true quality of those pieces. Evolving methodologies, especially in ChatGPT scoring prompts, compounded this challenge. The absence of backups means no retrieval of the original posts, though the ChatGPT revisions persist.  

It’s All Part of the Learning Process:

The essence lies in the wealth of lessons gained during the website-building process. Embracing new tools and restructuring my workflow became essential. Transitioning from Medium's interface to Visual Studio Code for writing exemplifies the adaptability required in a world brimming with changes and challenges. Learning, indeed, remains the only constant!  




“在每份必須完成的工作中,都有一些有趣的元素!” —瑪麗·波平斯


“只有那些敢於冒險走得太遠的人,才有可能發現自己能走多遠。” —T.S.艾略特


其核心在於在建立網站的過程中獲得的豐富經驗。接受新工具並重組工作流程變得至關重要。從Medium的界面轉移到Visual Studio Code進行寫作展示了在充滿變化和挑戰的世界中所需的適應能力。學習確實是唯一不變的!

  • Title: Crafting Brilliance: An Odyssey in Website Refinement
  • Author: ThomasL@KH
  • Created at : 2023-12-14 16:48:18
  • Updated at : 2023-12-17 20:53:46
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.