Sprint Log: Building Bridges in the Digital Realm

Sprint Log: Building Bridges in the Digital Realm

ThomasL@KH Lv4

Sprint Report: Website Building Odyssey


Time Span: 4th December 2023 - 17th December 2023; Week 49-50


This article serves as my self-reflection on what I have done during the previous fortnight. The most remarkable thing would be building my website. It is delightful that I eventually have my own digital realm. However, I have not dedicated myself to business English this sprint, which reveals that I need to refine my self-management ability. In the following sections, I will examine my progress so far and make a plan for the next sprint.



Progress of the Last Sprint

Here are some statistical figures.



Total word countAvg. word countTotal time spent (Min.)Avg. time

Besides my English daily writing, I engaged in building a personal website and learnt how to use diverse tools. I felt a little overwhelmed recently, but the outcome was agreeable for me. Embracing new technology can be challenging. Once you succeed, the sense of accomplishment can be incredibly rewarding!


Ongoing Project

I am still working on my daily English writing. In addition, I tried to move my articles from Medium to my new site. The time-consuming project is not a challenging one. However, editing my former posts certainly takes extra energy, which might lead to low productivity in my other tasks. To strike the balance, I had better meticulously arrange my priorities and spare time.



Planning for the Next Sprint

My new plan is to incorporate some new digital tools into my daily writing practice. Today I stumbled upon a video about AI composition scoring services, and I am excited about this new technology. I hope I can find an accurate AI assistant to help me evaluate my writing. ChatGPT provides decent evaluation, but its suggestions are usually vague. If I can find and employ an application focusing on scoring and checking grammatical issues, my dependence on ChatGPT will be reduced. To be frank, the recent feedback from ChatGPT kind of falls into similar patterns, and the responding time is significantly longer than before. I think it’s time to make some changes.

To sum up, I hope I can successfully incorporate new technology into my daily writing!




Editor’s Comment:
This sprint report navigates the reader through the author’s recent digital conquests, encapsulating achievements and aspirations with clarity. The metaphorical journey theme adds a delightful touch to the narrative.

Scoring by ChatGPT

  • Vocabulary use: 8/10

  • Grammar use: 8/10

  • Sentence structure and coherence: 8/10

  • Readability: 8/10

  • Overall scoring: 8/10

  • GPA standard: B+

  • Pros:

    The article effectively communicates your thoughts on the topic.
    Vocabulary and grammar use are generally good.
    The structure is reasonable and contributes to the overall coherence.

  • Cons:

    There is room for improvement in vocabulary variety.
    Some sentences could be further refined for clarity.

  • Advice:

    Aim for a wider range of vocabulary to enhance expressiveness.
    Consider revising certain sentences for increased clarity.

ChatGPT’s Revision

  • Introduction:

  • In this retrospective voyage spanning Weeks 49 and 50, I find myself standing on the shores of accomplishment as I successfully carve my digital haven—a personal website. However, amidst the triumph, the discerning eye spots a need for honing self-management skills, a revelation that underscores the delicate art of balancing pursuits. This reflective piece delves into my recent exploits, revealing insights, accomplishments, and the course charted for the next sprint.

  • Progress of the Last Sprint:

  • Statistical landmarks paint a numerical mural of my journey:

    Total word countAvg. word countTotal time spent (Min.)Avg. time
  • Beyond the realm of English daily writing, the foray into website construction unfurls. The labyrinth of new tools, initially daunting, eventually yields a satisfying outcome. The challenges of embracing technological novelties are superseded by the sweet taste of accomplishment.

  • Ongoing Project:

  • As the quill dances on the parchment of daily English writing, a parallel endeavour unfolds—migrating articles from Medium to my new digital abode. A time-consuming venture, it demands meticulous editing, a task not bereft of energy toll. Striking equilibrium necessitates meticulous prioritisation and judicious time allocation.

  • Planning for the Next Sprint:

  • The compass for the next sprint points towards the infusion of digital tools into my daily writing ritual. A chance encounter with AI composition scoring services sparks excitement, prompting a quest for a more precise evaluative companion. While ChatGPT’s counsel is valued, its suggestions veer into vagueness. The goal is to lessen dependence by integrating an application honed in scoring and grammatical scrutiny. The winds of change beckon, propelled by a desire for streamlined feedback.

  • In summation, the aspiration for the upcoming sprint is the seamless integration of cutting-edge technology into my daily writing tapestry.

  • 數碼領域的衝刺日誌:築橋之旅

  • 航向數位領域:網站建構之旅

  • 簡介:

  • 在這跨越第49和50週的回顧之旅中,我發現自己站在成就的海岸線上,成功地開闢了我的數字天堂──一個個人網站。然而,在這勝利的陰影之中,敏銳的眼光發現了磨練自我管理技能的需要,這一啟示強調了平衡追求的微妙藝術。這篇反思性的文章深入探討了我最近的冒險,揭示了見解、成就以及下一個衝刺的航向。

  • 上一個衝刺的進展:

  • 統計里程碑描繪出我旅程的數字畫卷:

  • 超越英文日常寫作的領域,涉足網站構建的探險揭開序幕。最初令人生畏的新工具的迷宮最終帶來了令人滿意的結果。擁抱技術新奇的挑戰被成就的滋味所取代。

  • 進行中的項目:

  • 筆尖在日常英文寫作的羊皮紙上起舞的同時,一個平行的努力正在展開──將文章從Medium遷移到我的新數字居所。這是一項耗時的冒險,它需要細緻的編輯,這是一項不乏能量的任務。取得平衡需要細緻的優先排序和明智的時間分配。

  • 下一個衝刺的計劃:

  • 下一個衝刺的指南針指向將數字工具融入我的日常寫作儀式。與AI作文評分服務的偶然相遇引發了興奮,促使我尋找一位更精確的評估夥伴。儘管ChatGPT的建議受到重視,但它的建議往往含糊不清。目標是通過整合一個專注於評分和語法審查的應用程序,減少對ChatGPT的依賴。變革之風招手,受到對流暢反饋的渴望推動。

  • 總之,對即將來臨的衝刺的期望是將尖端技術無縫整合到我的日常寫作編織中。

  • Title: Sprint Log: Building Bridges in the Digital Realm
  • Author: ThomasL@KH
  • Created at : 2023-12-17 23:55:45
  • Updated at : 2023-12-18 00:01:59
  • Link: https://thomaslatkh.github.io/2023/12/17/20231217SprintReport/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.