Gondola Gaffe: An Unpleasant Venice Voyage

Gondola Gaffe: An Unpleasant Venice Voyage

ThomasL@KH Lv4

Canal Accident: Do as the Venetians Do

This article is my learning notes of an English news shared by Leedsmayi. The news was from The Guardian, revealing a gondola accident occurred in Venice.


本文是我對一則由 Leedsmayi 分享的英文新聞的學習筆記。這則新聞來自 The Guardian,揭示了威尼斯發生的一起平底船事故。


What do you think of Venice, the city in northeastern Italy? Stunning scenery that drives millions of tourists? Sophisticated historical buildings that inspire numerous artists and movie directors to create their masterpieces? The thoughts might be romantic, but today I want to share a piece of news that happened in Venice recently, highlighting the results of behaving ruthlessly when riding a gondola.

According to the report, a group of tourists fell into a murky, cold canal in Venice when the gondola in which they were travelling capsized after they failed to heed an order to stop taking selfies and sit down. The gondolier was attempting a tricky manoeuvre while navigating the vessel: a manoeuvre requiring the maximum balance of weight onboard. Rowing a gondola seems romantic and fascinating, but it can be frustrating to deal with unreasonable passengers. In this case, the uncontrollable travellers ignored the gondolier’s order to sit down and instead continued to stand up and take photos, thus eventually tipping the boat over.




How to Avoid Similar Accidents?

The best way to prevent similar accidents is to heed an order correctly. However, the underlying reason for this incident might be connected with the abuse of social media and modern technology. For example, an American tourist sustained minor injuries after he fell into the crater of Mount Vesuvius as he tried to retrieve his phone, which had slipped out of his hand while taking a selfie. This news occurred in 2022, and the connection between these reports is ‘taking selfies.’ In my opinion, taking pictures as souvenirs is a perfect way to make a few personal takeaways from the trip. Nonetheless, we have to keep in mind that safety is the most important. Before indulging in taking selfies or photos, we must pay close attention to the announcements or instructions of a tour guide.



Travel Etiquette

It is human nature to be passionate and excited when travelling or navigating a foreign country. The exotic atmosphere, stunning scenes and scrumptious cuisine provide a perfect environment for relaxation. However, following some travel etiquette is quintessential, especially when we tour overseas. Since we may not be familiar with the culture, rules and language of the country, the reasonable way is to follow the tour guide’s instructions. On the one hand, a professional guide must have experienced and tackled several undesirable accidents, therefore his or her advice is usually helpful. On the other hand, ruthlessly violating an order might lead to mishaps or even more tragic consequences. The incident serves as a great testament to rude travellers: When in Rome, do as the Romans do.



Editor’s Comment:
In the grand tradition of Venice’s canals, where gondolas waltz and tourists dip, your article navigates the waters of storytelling with finesse. Beware the selfie storm, for in the labyrinth of Venetian waterways, a misplaced click may capsize more than a mere boat. Bravo on weaving the perils of modernity into the tapestry of ancient charm!


  1. capsize
    After the boat capsized and sank, the passengers all drowned.

  2. murky
    The kombucha seems murky and unsightly, but it’s perfectly healthy to drink.

  3. heed an order
    Refusing to heed an order from the supervisor, the employee got murdered the next day.

  4. manoeuvre
    Traditional martial arts require skilful manoeuvres.

  5. scramble
    The lifeguard scrambled to rescue the swimmer.

  6. backdrop
    The volcano provides a smoky backdrop for hot-air balloon riding.

  7. tip sth over
    The cat tipped the mug over again!

  8. chronicle
    The chronicle of this dreadful event was sealed forever.

  9. mishap
    Nobody expected that a minor mishap would lead to a fatal disaster.

  10. sustain injuries
    I sustained an injury to my joint when doing exercise.

  11. crater
    The crater of a volcano emits gas continuously.

  12. retrieve
    An experienced engineer can retrieve accidentally deleted information from the hard drive.

ChatGPT’s Scoring

  • Vocabulary use: 8/10

  • Grammar use: 9/10

  • Sentence structure and coherence: 8/10

  • Readability: 8/10

  • Overall scoring: 8.25/10

  • GPA standard: B+

  • Pros:

  • The vocabulary used is diverse and contextually appropriate, contributing to a rich narrative.

    • Grammar usage is generally strong, with few errors detracting from comprehension.
    • The sentences are well-structured, creating a coherent flow of ideas throughout the article.
  • Cons:

  • In the introduction, there’s a minor redundancy with “that” in the sentence: “Sophisticated historical buildings that inspire numerous artists and movie directors?” Consider revising for conciseness.

    • The transition between paragraphs could be smoother for improved readability. Consider using connecting phrases to enhance coherence.
  • Advice:

  • Continue utilizing a varied vocabulary to enhance the expressiveness of your writing.

    • Pay attention to transitional phrases between paragraphs to ensure a seamless flow of ideas.
    • Proofread for minor redundancies and refine sentence structures for increased conciseness.

ChatGPT’s Revision

  • Gondola Gaffe: An Unpleasant Venice Voyage

  • Canal Catastrophe: Navigating the Perils of Venetian Waters

  • Introduction

  • When pondering Venice, does your mind conjure images of captivating scenery that lures millions of tourists? Perhaps it envisions sophisticated historical buildings that kindle inspiration for countless artists and filmmakers? While these notions may seem romantic, today, I share a recent incident in Venice, underscoring the dire consequences of heedless behaviour aboard a gondola.

  • According to reports, a group of tourists plunged into a murky, frigid canal in Venice when their gondola capsized. This unfortunate event unfolded because they ignored the gondolier’s order to cease taking selfies and assume their seats. Navigating a gondola may exude romance, but contending with uncooperative passengers can be infuriating. In this instance, the unruly travellers disregarded the gondolier’s instruction to sit, opting instead to stand and capture photos, ultimately tipping the boat.

  • How to Avert Similar Mishaps?

  • Effectively preventing comparable accidents necessitates adhering to instructions. However, the underlying cause of this incident may be linked to the misuse of social media and modern technology. For instance, in 2022, an American tourist sustained minor injuries after tumbling into Mount Vesuvius’ crater while attempting to retrieve a phone that slipped from their hand while taking a selfie. The common thread between these incidents is the act of ‘taking selfies.’ While capturing images for mementoes is a perfect way to personalise a trip, safety must take precedence. Before indulging in selfies or photographs, it’s crucial to attentively heed tour guide announcements and instructions.

  • Travel Etiquette

  • The allure of passionate exploration in a foreign land, with its exotic ambiance, breathtaking landscapes, and delectable cuisine, offers an ideal setting for relaxation. However, adhering to travel etiquette is imperative, especially when touring overseas. Unfamiliar with the culture, rules, and language, the reasonable course is to follow the tour guide’s instructions. A professional guide, having navigated numerous unforeseen accidents, provides valuable advice. Ruthlessly flouting orders may lead to mishaps or, worse, tragic consequences. The incident stands as a stark reminder to impolite travellers: When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

  • 平底船失誤:威尼斯不愉快之旅

  • 運河災難:航行威尼斯水域的危機

  • 簡介

  • 當思索威尼斯時,你的腦海是否浮現出令數百萬遊客著迷的迷人風景?也許它描繪出激發無數藝術家和電影製片人靈感的精緻歷史建築?儘管這些想法可能看似浪漫,但今天我分享的是威尼斯的一起事件,強調了在平底船上不懈的行為所帶來的嚴重後果。

  • 據報導,一群遊客在他們的平底船翻覆時跌入了威尼斯的一條昏暗而寒冷的運河。這不幸的事件發生是因為他們無視平底船夫停止自拍並就座的命令。操縱平底船可能散發出浪漫氛圍,但應對不合作的乘客可能令人憤怒。在這個例子中,粗野的旅客無視平底船夫坐下的指示,選擇站起來拍照,最終使船翻覆。

  • 如何避免類似事故?

  • 有效地防止類似事故需要遵循指示。然而,這起事件的潛在原因可能與濫用社交媒體和現代技術有關。例如,2022年,一名美國遊客在嘗試從手中滑落的手機中檢索自拍時摔入維蘇威火山的火山口,並受到輕傷。這些事件之間的共同點是“自拍”。雖然拍照留念是個人化旅行的完美方式,但安全必須優先考慮。在沉浸於自拍或照片之前,要仔細聽從導遊的公告和指示至關重要。

  • 旅行禮儀

  • 在一個陌生的國度中進行激情探險,享受異國情調的氛圍、令人驚艷的風景和美味的美食,提供了一個放鬆的理想環境。然而,在海外旅行時遵循旅行禮儀是必不可少的。由於不熟悉文化、規則和語言,合理的做法是遵循導遊的指示。一位經歷過許多意外事件的專業導遊提供了寶貴的建議。粗暴地違反命令可能導致意外事件,甚至更糟的後果。這一事件作為對粗魯旅客的鮮明提醒:在羅馬時,就應該像羅馬人一樣行事。

  • Title: Gondola Gaffe: An Unpleasant Venice Voyage
  • Author: ThomasL@KH
  • Created at : 2023-12-18 23:55:45
  • Updated at : 2023-12-19 00:48:36
  • Link: https://thomaslatkh.github.io/2023/12/18/20231218VeiceAccident/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.