Wordsmith's Arsenal: Elevating Your Writing with Digital Aids

Wordsmith's Arsenal: Elevating Your Writing with Digital Aids

ThomasL@KH Lv4

Delving into Applications for Improving Writing Skills

In my latest sprint report , I mentioned incorporating some new digital tools into my English daily writing. Today I will share two powerful websites pertaining to honing writing skills. The reference YouTube video above kindled my interest in researching writing aiding software. If you are interested in this topic, watch the video!


在我最新的冲刺報告中,我提到了將一些新的數位工具納入我的英文日常寫作。今天我將分享兩個有關磨練寫作技巧的強大網站。上面的參考 YouTube 視頻引起了我對研究寫作輔助軟體的興趣。如果您對這個主題感興趣,請觀看這個視頻!


Have you ever worried about how to polish your English writing? I have. In addition, I am always concerned about my English composing skill, especially after I have practised writing in English for three months. There is a fun fact: the more I write, the more I am discontented with my current level. Journey to English proficiency is a marathon, and there is no shortcut to it. Fortunately, there are certainly various equipments enhancing our learning process and providing invaluable assistance.

Before we delve into introducing the compelling applications, please note that there is no 100 per cent perfect product for all. If these apps are not your cup of tea, you can always adopt what best suits your needs. After all, in the era of information, we can customise our learning modules.



在我們深入介紹引人入勝的應用程式之前,請注意並非所有產品都是 100% 完美的。如果這些應用程式不合您的口味,您總可以採用最適合您需求的方式。畢竟,在信息時代,我們可以自定義我們的學習模塊。

Wordtune: Solving my Preposition Phobia

The first website I would like to introduce is Wordtune. Featuring a clear and user-friendly interface, Wordtune itself is also an online text editor. The free version provides general grammatical corrections and limited uses of AI generation services.

The crucial function for me is the former one: Wordtune works incredibly fine in correcting my misused prepositions. Given that I always exploit ChatGPT as my AI assistant, I only use the free version. It is just like an excellent grammarian accompanying me by my side, checking my careless mishaps! Additionally, I always think the prepositions are the most challenging mountain to conquer in English. With the help of Wordtune, I can easily examine the erroneous prepositions and get direct wording suggestions. For me, the only drawback is that this application does not score my composition.


我要介紹的第一個網站是 Wordtune。 Wordtune 具有清晰且用戶友好的界面,本身也是一個在線文本編輯器。免費版本提供一般的語法修正和有限的人工智慧生成服務。

對我來說,最關鍵的功能是前者:Wordtune 在糾正我誤用的介係詞方面表現出色。鑒於我總是利用 ChatGPT 作為我的人工智慧助手,我只使用免費版本。這就像一位優秀的文法學家一直在我身邊,檢查我粗心的錯誤!此外,我一直認為介詞是英語中最難克服的障礙。借助 Wordtune 的幫助,我可以輕松檢查錯誤的介詞並獲得直接的措辭建議。對我來說,唯一的缺點是該應用程序不會對我的作文進行評分。

ProWritingAid: Comprehensive Summary Report for Compositions

The second website I want to share is ProWritingAid. Unlike Wordtune’s clear and minimalist design, ProWritingAid features a more complicated interface. Exploring the software took me a lot of time. However, its comprehensive functions are definitely worth trying. Wordtune might do better in terms of general services such as grammatical correction. The distinctive feature of ProWritingAid is to generate an overall summary and score of my composition.

ChatGPT also scores my English writing, but ProWritingAid evaluates every criterion of my writing. This service is just stunning. Because of the outstanding function, I will continue to research and utilise this application.


我想分享的第二個網站是 ProWritingAid。與 Wordtune 清晰且極簡的設計不同,ProWritingAid 具有更複雜的界面。探索這款軟體花費了我很多時間。然而,它的綜合功能絕對值得一試。在一般服務(如語法校正)方面,Wordtune 可能做得更好。ProWritingAid 的獨特功能是生成我作文的總體摘要和得分。
ChatGPT 也可以對我的英文寫作進行評分,但 ProWritingAid 評估我寫作的每個標準。這項服務令人驚嘆。由於其卓越的功能,我將繼續研究並利用這個應用程式。


I have introduced two useful applications for honing writing skills. In fact, I also have incorporated these digital tools into my daily English practice. Both Wordtune and ProWritingAid serve as wonderful online text editors and writing assisting tools. I hope my user experience can give you useful information!


我已經介紹了兩個用於磨練寫作技巧的有用應用程式。實際上,我也將這些數位工具納入了我的日常英語練習中。Wordtune 和 ProWritingAid 都是出色的在線文本編輯器和寫作輔助工具。我希望我的用戶體驗能為您提供有用的信息!

Editor’s Comment:
In the intricate dance of words, your article pirouettes through the realm of writing tools with finesse. As you conquer the Everest of prepositions and navigate the labyrinth of ProWritingAid, remember, the pen is mightier with a digital ally! Here’s to crafting English prose that dances, not stumbles!
在文字的精巧舞蹈中,你的文章以嫻熟的技巧在寫作工具的領域中旋轉。當你征服介詞的埃佛勒斯特並在 ProWritingAid 的迷宮中航行時,請記住,有了數位盟友,筆的力量更為強大!祝福你打造出一篇舞動而不是蹣跚的英文散文!

ChatGPT’s scoring

  • Vocabulary use: 8/10

  • Grammar use: 9/10

  • Sentence structure and coherence: 8/10

  • Readability: 8/10

  • Overall scoring: 8.25/10

  • GPA standard: B+

  • Pros:

  • The vocabulary is varied and contextually appropriate, contributing to an engaging narrative.

    • Grammar usage is strong, with few errors that impact comprehension.
    • The sentences are well-structured, creating a coherent flow of ideas throughout the article.
    • The introduction effectively captures the reader’s attention and sets the context for the topic.
  • Cons:

  • Some sentences could benefit from further simplification to enhance clarity, especially when conveying complex ideas.

  • Advice:

  • Continue using a diverse vocabulary to enhance the expressiveness of your writing.

    • Consider simplifying complex sentences for improved clarity, ensuring that the message is easily understood.
    • Maintain consistency in your writing style to create a seamless flow of ideas.

ChatGPT’s revision

  • Wordsmith’s Arsenal: Elevating Your Writing with Digital Aids

  • Exploring Tools to Enhance Writing Skills

  • In my recent sprint report, I discussed the integration of new digital tools into my daily English writing. Today, I’m excited to share two robust websites dedicated to improving writing skills. The YouTube video referenced above sparked my interest in exploring writing assistance software, and if you share that interest, the video is a must-watch!
  • Introduction

  • Ever found yourself fretting over how to refine your English writing? I certainly have. The quest for proficiency in English composition, especially after three months of consistent practice, reveals a peculiar fact: the more I write, the more dissatisfied I become with my current level. Achieving mastery in English is a marathon, and there’s no shortcut to it. Fortunately, various tools can enhance our learning journey and provide invaluable assistance.
  • Before delving into the introduction of compelling applications, it’s crucial to note that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. If these apps don’t align with your preferences, customising your learning modules in this era of information is always an option.
  • Wordtune: Conquering Preposition Phobia

  • The first website worth exploring is Wordtune. Boasting a clear and user-friendly interface, Wordtune doubles as an online text editor. The free version offers general grammatical corrections and limited AI generation services.
  • Its pivotal function, particularly for me, lies in correcting misused prepositions. Given that I often rely on ChatGPT as my AI assistant, I stick to the free version. It acts as an excellent grammarian, checking my inadvertent mistakes. Conquering the challenging mountain of prepositions becomes easier with Wordtune, as it provides direct wording suggestions. The only drawback is that this application doesn’t score compositions.
  • ProWritingAid: Comprehensive Composition Insights

  • The second tool on my list is ProWritingAid. Unlike Wordtune’s clear and minimalist design, ProWritingAid features a more intricate interface that took some time to explore. However, its comprehensive functions make the learning curve worthwhile. While Wordtune excels in general services like grammatical correction, ProWritingAid stands out for generating an overall summary and score of my composition.
  • While ChatGPT scores my English writing, ProWritingAid evaluates every criterion. This service is truly remarkable, and due to its outstanding features, I plan to continue researching and utilising this application.
  • Conclusion

  • I’ve introduced two valuable applications for refining writing skills, both of which I’ve incorporated into my daily English practice. Wordtune and ProWritingAid serve as exceptional online text editors and writing-assisting tools. I hope sharing my user experience provides you with useful insights!

  • 文字匠之器:借助數位助手提升寫作水平
  • 探索提升寫作技巧的工具
  • 在我最近的冲刺報告中,我討論了將新的數位工具納入我的日常英文寫作。今天,我很高興分享兩個致力於提高寫作技能的強大網站。上面提到的YouTube視頻激發了我對探索寫作輔助軟體的興趣,如果你分享這種興趣,這個視頻是必看的!
  • 介紹
  • 有沒有發現自己擔心如何潤飾英文寫作?我當然有。尋求在英文作文方面的精通,特別是在連續練習三個月之後,揭示了一個奇特的事實:我寫得越多,我對當前水平的不滿就越多。在英文上取得精通是一場馬拉松,沒有捷徑。幸運的是,有各種工具可以增強我們的學習過程並提供寶貴的幫助。
  • 在深入介紹引人入勝的應用程式之前,重要的是要注意並非所有產品都是一刀切的解決方案。如果這些應用程式不符合您的偏好,在這個信息時代,始終可以自定義您的學習模塊。
  • Wordtune:克服介詞恐懼症
  • 值得探索的第一個網站是Wordtune。Wordtune擁有清晰且用戶友好的界面,也兼具在線文本編輯器的功能。免費版本提供一般的語法修正和有限的人工智慧生成服務。
  • 對我來說,它的關鍵功能尤其在於糾正誤用的介詞。鑒於我經常依賴ChatGPT作為我的人工智慧助手,我選擇使用免費版本。它就像一位優秀的文法學家,檢查我不經意的錯誤。借助Wordtune,克服介詞這座艱難的山變得更容易,因為它提供直接的措辭建議。唯一的缺點是該應用程序不會對作文進行評分。
  • ProWritingAid:作文綜合見解
  • 我列表中的第二個工具是ProWritingAid。與Wordtune清晰且極簡的設計不同,ProWritingAid擁有更複雜的界面,需要一些時間來探索。然而,它的綜合功能使學習曲線變得有價值。雖然Wordtune在語法校正等一般服務方面表現出色,但ProWritingAid以生成我作文的總體摘要和評分而脫穎而出。
  • 雖然ChatGPT對我的英文寫作進行評分,但ProWritingAid評估每個標準。這項服務確實令人印象深刻,由於其優越的功能,我計劃繼續研究和使用這個應用程式。
  • 結論
  • 我介紹了兩個用於提升寫作技能的有價值應用程式,而這兩款應用程式都已納入我的日常英文練習中。Wordtune和ProWritingAid都是優秀的在線文本編輯器和寫作輔助工具。我希望分享我的用戶體驗能為您提供有用的見解!
  • Title: Wordsmith's Arsenal: Elevating Your Writing with Digital Aids
  • Author: ThomasL@KH
  • Created at : 2023-12-19 22:37:09
  • Updated at : 2023-12-19 22:53:09
  • Link: https://thomaslatkh.github.io/2023/12/19/20231219WritingApps/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.