Weekly I/O: Nourishing the Flames of Intellectual Growth

Weekly I/O: Nourishing the Flames of Intellectual Growth

ThomasL@KH Lv4


  1. https://peterknockcode.com/weekly_reflection_1/
  2. https://chengweihu.com/

Sparks in our Minds: Weekly I/O

Today I stumbled upon a captivating blog article advocating the benefits of weekly I/O, a practical method of keeping learning every week. In this blog post, I will share my thoughts about this concept and how to adopt this workflow to enhance my learning process.

思維之火:每週 I/O 的啟示

今天我偶然發現了一篇引人入勝的 博客文章 ,主張每週 I/O 的好處,這是一種實踐每週保持學習的方法。在這篇博客文章中,我將分享我對這個概念的看法,以及如何採用這種工作流程來增強我的學習過程。


First and foremost, let us define what is weekly I/O. The Weekly I/O stands for weekly input and output. Because of the development of advanced technology and the Internet, it is incredibly easy to contact new information and acquire knowledge. However, the fragile nature of this information can be a double-edged sword. On the bright side, it provides flexibility for modern people, for we don’t have much time to learn something in a traditional way. In contrast, it might be challenging to learn some difficult disciplines by using this method.


首先,讓我們定義什麼是每週 I/O。每週 I/O 代表每週輸入和輸出。由於先進技術和互聯網的發展,接觸新信息並獲取知識變得非常容易。然而,這些信息的脆弱性可能是雙刃劍。從積極的一面來看,它為現代人提供了靈活性,因為我們沒有太多時間以傳統方式學習。相反,使用這種方法學習一些困難的學科可能會有挑戰性。

Don’t be a Copy Cat

The essence of weekly I/O is to build a circle of input and output. For example, if we encounter a piece of information that intrigues us, we can try to use our own language to explain it instead of bookmarking the website and never visiting again. The key point is to use plain language to explain and share it. I used to forward the webpage or copy and paste the address to someone who might be interested in the information. Now I realise this does not help me make any progress.

A foreseeable benefit of taking this method is that we can practise the ability of summarising and paraphrasing. Copy and paste are fast, but without the process of thinking, we hardly edify our cognitive function. Learning how to generate a decent output also helps us polish our expression skills. For instance, I read the blog article written in Chinese and now I am trying to re-tell it in English, which reinforces my understanding of this concept!


每週 I/O 的本質是建立輸入和輸出的循環。例如,如果我們遇到一條讓我們感興趣的信息,可以嘗試用自己的語言來解釋,而不是將網站加為書籤並永遠不再訪問。關鍵是使用簡單的語言進行解釋和分享。我曾經轉發過網頁或將地址複製並粘貼給可能對信息感興趣的人。現在我意識到這對我沒有任何幫助。


Consistency is the Key

As the saying goes, ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day.’ Whether our purposes are to master a language or to build a pyramid in Minecraft, the only companion to us is our commitment. It might be exciting to join a community where people have shared passion gathering around, but we have to walk on our feet.

To sum up, by sharing what we learn and making constant effort, I believe we can make progress day by day.


俗話說,“羅馬不是一天建成的。” 無論我們的目的是掌握一種語言還是在 Minecraft 中建造金字塔,唯一陪伴我們的是我們的承諾。加入一個有共同熱情的社區可能很令人興奮,但我們必須靠自己的雙腳走下去。


Editor’s Comment:
Ah, the weekly dance of input and output—the waltz of wisdom! A true maestro, your prose pirouettes through the complexities of learning with elegance. However, even the finest dancers occasionally step on toes; let simplicity be your trusted partner, guiding readers through the ballroom of your brilliant ideas.

ChatGPT’s scoring

  • Vocabulary use: 8/10

  • Grammar use: 9/10

  • Sentence structure and coherence: 9/10

  • Readability: 8/10

  • Overall scoring: 8.5/10

  • GPA standard: A-

  • Pros:

  • The vocabulary is rich and well-utilized, contributing to a nuanced and expressive narrative.

  • Grammar usage is strong, with minimal errors that do not impede comprehension.

  • Sentences are well-structured, creating a smooth flow of ideas throughout the article.

  • The introduction effectively defines the concept of weekly I/O and sets the context for the discussion.

  • The use of examples enhances the clarity and relatability of the content.

  • Cons:

  • Some sentences could be further simplified to improve overall readability.

  • Advice:

  • Continue to use a diverse vocabulary to enhance the depth of your writing.

  • Maintain consistency in your writing style for a seamless flow of ideas.

  • Consider simplifying complex sentences to ensure clarity, especially for a broader audience.

ChatGPT’s revision

  • Weekly I/O: Nourishing the Flames of Intellectual Growth

  • Sparks in Our Minds: Mastering Weekly I/O
  • Today, I stumbled upon a captivating blog article extolling the virtues of weekly I/O—a pragmatic approach to sustained learning every week. In this post, I will share my reflections on this concept and elucidate how to integrate this workflow to augment my learning process.
  • Introduction
  • Let’s begin by defining weekly I/O. Weekly I/O stands for weekly input and output. The development of advanced technology and the Internet has made it remarkably facile to access new information and acquire knowledge. However, the delicate nature of this information can be a double-edged sword. On the bright side, it offers flexibility for modern individuals constrained by time, allowing us to learn in non-traditional ways. Conversely, it might pose a challenge when tackling complex disciplines using this method.
  • Don’t Mimic, Create
  • The crux of weekly I/O lies in constructing a circle of input and output. For instance, when we encounter intriguing information, we should attempt to elucidate it in our own words rather than resorting to bookmarking the website and never revisiting it. The key is to employ plain language for explanation and sharing. In the past, I used to forward webpages or copy and paste addresses to those who might be interested. Now I realise this doesn’t contribute to my progress.
  • A foreseeable benefit of adopting this method is that it allows us to hone our summarising and paraphrasing skills. While copying and pasting is swift, it lacks the cognitive enrichment that comes with the process of thoughtful articulation. Learning to generate original output also aids in refining our expression skills. For example, after reading a blog article in Chinese, I now endeavour to retell it in English, reinforcing my understanding of this concept.
  • Consistency is Key
  • As the adage goes, ‘Rome wasn’t built in a day.’ Whether our goals involve mastering a language or constructing a pyramid in Minecraft, our sole companion is commitment. Joining a community where like-minded individuals share passions may be exciting, but we must traverse the path on our own two feet.
  • In conclusion, by sharing our learning and maintaining steadfast effort, I believe progress can be achieved day by day.
  • 每週 I/O:滋養智力成長之火花
  • 思緒之火:掌握每週 I/O
  • 今天,我偶然發現了一篇引人入勝的博客文章,讚美每週 I/O 的優點──這是一種實現持續學習的實用方法。在這篇文章中,我將分享我對這個概念的思考,並闡明如何將這種工作流程融入我的學習過程以增強效果。
  • 介紹
  • 讓我們首先定義每週 I/O。每週 I/O 代表每週輸入和輸出。先進技術和互聯網的發展使得訪問新信息並獲取知識變得非常容易。然而,這些信息的精妙性可能是一把雙刃劍。從積極的一面來看,它為現代人提供了靈活性,讓我們可以以非傳統的方式學習,這對於受時間限制的現代人來說是一種便利。相反地,用這種方法解決複雜的學科可能會面臨挑戰。
  • 別模仿,創造
  • 每週 I/O 的關鍵在於構建輸入和輸出的循環。例如,當我們遇到有趣的信息時,應該嘗試用自己的話來解釋,而不是將網站加為書籤然後永遠不再訪問。關鍵在於用簡單的語言進行解釋和分享。過去,我習慣轉發網頁或將地址複製並粘貼給可能感興趣的人。現在我意識到這對我的進步毫無幫助。
  • 採用這種方法的一個可預見的好處是它使我們有機會磨練總結和改寫的能力。複製和粘貼速度很快,但缺乏深思熟慮的過程,這無法豐富我們的認知。學習生成原創輸出也有助於提升我們的表達能力。例如,讀完一篇中文博客文章後,我現在嘗試用英語重新講述它,強化對這個概念的理解。
  • 一致性至上
  • 正如俗話所說,“羅馬不是一天建成的。” 無論我們的目標是掌握一種語言還是在 Minecraft 中建造金字塔,我們唯一的伴侶是承諾。加入一個有志同道合的社區可能很令人興奮,但我們必須靠自己的雙腳走下去。
  • 總之,通過分享我們的學習並保持堅定的努力,我相信進步是可以一天天實現的。
  • Title: Weekly I/O: Nourishing the Flames of Intellectual Growth
  • Author: ThomasL@KH
  • Created at : 2023-12-20 23:40:38
  • Updated at : 2023-12-22 01:16:05
  • Link: https://thomaslatkh.github.io/2023/12/20/20231220weeklyIO01/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.