From Steam Sales to Singing Bosses: Christmas Chronicles in Taiwan

From Steam Sales to Singing Bosses: Christmas Chronicles in Taiwan

ThomasL@KH Lv4

Christmas in Taiwan

My engineer friend shared some photos of her Christmas tree collection with me. She spotted tons of beautifully adorned trees in North America and Canada. In fact, a parallel situation happens in Taiwan, too. Whether we are planning for a special dinner at a local restaurant or a holiday, we can easily notice that everywhere has been decorated to exhibit the ambience of Christmas. Obviously, Taiwanese never fail to seize every opportunity to celebrate a holiday.




It has been widely criticised that Christmas is becoming too commercial in Western countries. For instance, last night I heard such a line when watching The Golden Girls. The TV series was released in 1985! Likewise, Asian people now face a similar phenomenon. Department stores provide discounts to attract customers, and shopping websites host a virtual outlet to captivate capture their users. For example, the renowned video game platform, Steam, is presenting its winter sale now. It seems the essence of this holiday is to buy more things. No wonder people criticise that Christmas is becoming too commercial.


長久以來,有人廣泛批評聖誕節在西方國家變得太商業化。例如,昨晚我在看《黃金女郎》時聽到了這樣一句話。這部電視劇於 1985 年首播!同樣,亞洲人現在也面臨著類似的現象。百貨公司提供折扣以吸引顧客,購物網站舉辦虛擬特賣會來吸引用戶。例如,著名的視頻遊戲平台 Steam 目前正在舉辦其冬季促銷活動。似乎這個節日的本質就是多買東西。難怪人們批評聖誕節變得太商業化。

Personal Experiences

I used to spend a lot of money on buying new games during a Steam winter sale. To be honest, most games I purchased are more like sealed in my library: I do not have much time to play them. Last time I logged into Steam was to practise my typing skills through a free-to-play game. I think I won’t buy any new video games during this sale!

Besides shopping and video games, there is an interesting personal experience I would like to share. During my last stint, the boss of the company next to ours was a Christian. Once she threw a party and invited several singers whom she acquainted from the church she usually visits. It was on ‘Christmas Noon,’ because she knew none of her employees were going to stay at the company after a hard-working day, even for a party. It turned out everyone had an extremely noisy afternoon break. What a bizarre Christmas!


我過去常在 Steam 冬季促銷活動期間花很多錢買新遊戲。老實說,我購買的大多數遊戲更像是封存在我的遊戲庫中:我沒有太多時間來玩它們。我上一次登錄 Steam 是為了通過一個免費遊戲練習我的打字技能。我想我不會在這次促銷活動中買任何新的視頻遊戲了!

除了購物和視頻遊戲,我還有一個有趣的個人經歷想分享。在我上一份工作期間,我們公司隔壁公司的老板是一名基督徒。有一次她舉辦了一個派對,邀請了一些她在常去的教堂認識的歌手。那是一個 “聖誕正午”,因為她知道她的員工在辛勤工作的一天之後不會留在公司,即使是參加派對也不會留下。結果大家度過了一個非常嘈雜的下午休息時間。多麼奇怪的聖誕節!


Although Christmas is not an official holiday in Taiwan, most people celebrate the holiday through shopping, having special meals, going on a holiday and doing diverse activities. Whether it is commercial or not in Taiwan, it is now a day for Taiwanese people to share their happiness and have fun!



Editor’s Comment:
In the tinsel-strewn landscape of festive tales, your narrative sparkles. Add a touch more reflection, and your Christmas insights might just outshine the brightest baubles.

ChatGPT’s scoring

  • Vocabulary use: 8/10

  • Grammar use: 9/10

  • Sentence structure and coherence: 8/10

  • Readability: 9/10

  • Overall scoring: 8.5/10

  • GPA standard: A-

  • Pros:

  • The vocabulary use is generally strong, and the language is clear and engaging.

  • Good use of grammar, contributing to a well-structured and coherent narrative.

  • The sentence structure is varied, enhancing the overall readability.

  • The content is easy to follow, and the ideas are presented logically.

  • The personal experiences shared add a relatable and authentic touch to the article.

  • Cons:

  • Some sentences could be further refined for increased clarity and precision.

  • Consider expanding the depth of reflection on the commercialization of Christmas in Taiwan.

  • Advice:

  • Continue to focus on refining sentence structures for optimal clarity.

  • Explore deeper insights or perspectives on the commercialization aspect to add depth to the narrative.

ChatGPT’s revision

  • From Steam Sales to Singing Bosses: Christmas Chronicles in Taiwan

  • Christmas in Taiwan: Beyond the Glitter

    My engineer friend recently flaunted her collection of Christmas tree photos, inspired by the lavishly adorned trees she spotted in North America and Canada. Yet, the festive fervour isn’t confined to the West; Taiwan, too, transforms into a Christmas wonderland, with festive decorations adorning every corner. Clearly, the Taiwanese don’t miss a chance to revel in the joy of holidays.

  • Introduction

    Criticisms of Christmas’s commercialization in the West echo in Asia, including Taiwan. Even as I watched a vintage episode of The Golden Girls last night (circa 1985!), the sentiment was clear. The air is thick with discounts in department stores, and online platforms like Steam host virtual shopping extravaganzas. The essence of the season seems overshadowed by consumerism, prompting justified critiques of Christmas losing its true spirit.

  • Personal Experiences

    My history with Steam’s winter sales involved hefty game purchases, now mostly gathering virtual dust in my library. This time, however, I resist the allure, choosing practicality over impulse. Amidst the shopping chaos and gaming temptations, a peculiar memory surfaces. During a past job, our neighbour, a Christian boss, hosted a ‘Christmas Noon’ party with church-acquainted singers. Despite our initial scepticism, it turned into a surprisingly noisy, albeit memorable, Christmas break.

  • Conclusion

    While Christmas may lack official recognition in Taiwan, its celebration is widespread. From shopping sprees to special meals, vacations, and diverse activities, the day is embraced by many. Regardless of its commercial trappings, Christmas in Taiwan has evolved into a day for people to share happiness and revel in the joy of the season.

  • Editor’s Comment: In the tinsel-strewn landscape of festive tales, your narrative sparkles. Add a touch more reflection, and your Christmas insights might just outshine the brightest baubles.

  • 從 Steam 促銷到老板高歌:台灣的聖誕紀事

  • 台灣的聖誕節:超越燦爛的表面

  • 我的工程師朋友最近炫耀了她的聖誕樹照片收藏,受到她在北美和加拿大看到的那些裝飾豐富的樹的啟發。然而,節慶的狂熱不僅限於西方;台灣也變成了一個聖誕仙境,到處都是節慶裝飾。顯然,台灣人不會錯過在假期的喜悅中狂歡的機會。

  • 介紹

  • 批評聖誕節在西方國家變得太商業化的聲音在亞洲也迴盪,包括台灣。就連昨晚我觀看的一集《黃金女郎》(約 1985 年左右)中,這種情感也是顯而易見的。百貨公司打折的消息充斥著空氣,而像 Steam 這樣的在線平台舉辦虛擬購物盛宴。這個季節的本質似乎被消費主義所掩蓋,引發了對聖誕節失去真正精神的合理批評。

  • 個人經驗

  • 我在 Steam 冬季促銷活動中的歷史涉及大量購買遊戲,現在大多數遊戲都在我的遊戲庫中積灰。然而,這一次,我抵擋住誘惑,選擇實際性而非衝動性。在購物混亂和遊戲誘惑中,一個奇異的記憶浮現。在以前的工作中,我們的鄰居,一位基督徒老板,舉辦了一個 “聖誕正午” 派對,邀請了教會認識的歌手。儘管我們最初感到懷疑,但這變成了一個令人驚訝的嘈雜,卻令人難忘的聖誕休息時間。

  • 結論

  • 雖然聖誕節在台灣缺乏官方承認,但其慶祝活動廣泛存在。從購物狂歡到特別的餐點、度假和各種活動,這一天受到了許多人的擁抱。儘管帶有商業氛圍,但在台灣,聖誕節已經演變成人們分享快樂,陶醉於節日歡樂的日子。

  • Title: From Steam Sales to Singing Bosses: Christmas Chronicles in Taiwan
  • Author: ThomasL@KH
  • Created at : 2023-12-22 23:40:09
  • Updated at : 2023-12-22 23:53:16
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.