Combo Breaker: Language Learning Lessons from the Gaming Arena

Combo Breaker: Language Learning Lessons from the Gaming Arena

ThomasL@KH Lv4

Fighting Games, Fossilisation and Frustrating Habits



Sometimes I think that playing video games can also be inspiring. Today my friend gave me a lesson when we were playing a fighting game together: In terms of fossilisation, it is not only a jargon for language learning, but also a phenomenon we can observe at all corners.



A Lesson of a Fighting Game

Today when I was playing a fighting game with my friend, he found out that I always drop the combos due to a small habit: unnecessary poke. A combo in fighting games means a set of consecutive attacks that deals loads of damage to the opponent. A poke, in fighting games, literally means what you do to attack your enemy in a safer way, or to pose a potential threat.


今天,當我和朋友一起玩格鬥遊戲時,他發現我總是因為一個小習慣而失誤:不必要的 poke。在格鬥遊戲中,combo 指的是一套連續的攻擊,對對手造成大量傷害。在格鬥遊戲中,poke 的意思是以更安全的方式進行攻擊,或者構成潛在威脅。

If we compare the situation of playing fighting games with learning a language, it may not be so straightforward. It is true that fossilisation of pronunciation is difficult to overcome, it takes endeavour from experienced teachers and determined students to tackle. However, besides pronunciation of a second language, there is a phenomenon that has been neglected for a long time: overuse of fillers.

It is acceptable to use fillers like ‘well’ or ‘you know’ occasionally in conversation. Filler words are used to express speakers’ uncertainty or to give them more time to think. It functions extremely similar to ‘pokes’ in fighting games: to earn more time. However, seldom do people find that they are overusing it. For instance, shooting a fireball to poke my opponent is a good way to gain information: Will he dodge it? Will he jump over it? Shooting three fireballs consecutively, which is my case, is telling the opponent: this guy is too naive. Jump in and knock him out!


在對話中偶爾使用像 “嗯” 或 “你知道” 的填充詞是可以接受的。填充詞用於表達講者的不確定性,或者給他們更多的思考時間。它的功能與格鬥遊戲中的 “poke” 非常相似:為了贏得更多的時間。然而,很少有人意識到他們正在過度使用它。例如,連續發射三個火球,這就是我的情況,等於告訴對手:這傢伙太天真了。跳過來,擊倒他!

The same situation happens when I practise English speaking with an AI. I start nearly every utterance with ‘well’ or ‘you know.’ The robot does not complain, but how annoying it is to have a small talk with a person keep saying ‘well, you know!’

In short, this is my reflection on today’s gameplay. It is kind of frustrating. Maybe I should put more attention when I speak, or, well, consult my AI!

當我和人工智能練習英語口語時,情況也是一樣的。我幾乎每次發言都以 “嗯” 或 “你知道” 開頭。機器人沒有抱怨,但和一個一直說 “嗯,你知道” 的人閑聊是多麼討厭啊!


Editor’s Comment:
In the grand arena of language and games, your insights are like combo moves – impactful and revealing. A few more linguistic manoeuvres, and you’ll be the master of both realms!
在語言和遊戲的宏偉競技場上,你的見解就像連擊招式一樣 —— 具有影響力且富有啟發性。再多一點語言的巧妙運用,你將成為這兩個領域的大師!

ChatGPT’s scoring

  • Vocabulary use: 9/10

  • Grammar use: 9/10

  • Sentence structure and coherence: 8/10

  • Readability: 8/10

  • Overall scoring: 8.5/10

  • GPA standard: A-


  • Strong vocabulary use contributes to a vivid and engaging narrative.

  • Good grammar application enhances the overall quality of the writing.

  • The narrative is well-structured, making it easy for the reader to follow.

  • The content is relatable, drawing parallels between playing fighting games and language learning.

  • The analogy between fighting game habits and language fillers is insightful and adds depth to the reflection.


  • Some sentences could be further refined for increased clarity and precision.

  • Consider exploring more examples or providing additional details to enrich the reflection.


  • Continue to focus on refining sentence structures for optimal clarity.

  • Expand on examples or personal experiences to add depth to the reflection.

ChatGPT’s revision

  • Combo Breaker: Language Learning Lessons from the Gaming Arena

  • Fighting Games, Fossilisation, and Frustrating Fillers
  • Introduction

  • The battlefield of video games, I believe, conceals inspiring lessons. A revelation struck me today while sparring with a friend in a fighting game – the concept of fossilisation isn’t exclusive to language learning; it permeates various aspects of our lives.
  • A Lesson in the Arena

  • Engaged in a digital duel, my friend astutely pointed out a flaw in my gameplay: a pesky habit of unnecessary poking disrupting my combos. In fighting games, combos unleash a barrage of attacks, dealing substantial damage. Conversely, a poke serves to threaten or attack the opponent cautiously.
  • Drawing a parallel to language learning isn’t as straightforward. Overcoming the fossilisation of pronunciation demands concerted efforts from both seasoned instructors and dedicated learners. However, beyond pronunciation, a long-overlooked phenomenon looms – the overuse of fillers.
  • Occasional deployment of fillers like ‘well’ or ‘you know’ in conversation is acceptable. These linguistic crutches express uncertainty or buy time for contemplation. Much like ‘pokes’ in gaming, they aim to gain an edge by buying time. The catch is, many individuals seldom realise when they’re overusing these fillers. It’s akin to mindlessly shooting consecutive fireballs in a game, signaling naivety to the opponent – an open invitation to knock them out!
  • The same unfolds in my English-speaking practice with an AI. I find myself prefacing nearly every utterance with ‘well’ or ‘you know.’ The robot doesn’t complain, but enduring a conversation peppered with constant ‘well, you know’ is, well, exasperating!
  • In conclusion, today’s gaming session offered a frustrating yet enlightening reflection. Perhaps it’s time to pay more heed to my words or, well, seek counsel from my AI companion!
  • 擊破連擊:從遊戲競技場獲得的語言學習教訓
  • 格鬥遊戲、化石化和令人沮喪的填充詞
  • 介紹
  • 我相信,視頻遊戲的戰場隱藏著一些鼓舞人心的教訓。今天在和朋友一起打格鬥遊戲時,我突然領悟到:化石化的概念不僅僅適用於語言學習,它滲透到我們生活的各個方面。
  • 競技場上的一課
  • 在數碼對決中,我的朋友敏銳地指出了我玩遊戲時的一個缺陷:不必要的 “戳擊” 破壞了我的連擊。在格鬥遊戲中,連擊釋放一系列攻擊,造成大量傷害。相反,戳擊則是謹慎地威脅或攻擊對手的方式。
  • 與語言學習進行類比並不那麼簡單。克服發音的化石化需要經驗豐富的教師和堅定的學習者共同努力。然而,除了發音之外,還有一個長期被忽視的現象 —— 填充詞的過度使用。
  • 偶爾在交談中使用 “嗯” 或 “你知道” 之類的填充詞是可以接受的。這些語言上的支撐可以表達不確定性或爲思考贏得時間。就像遊戲中的 “戳擊” 一樣,它們旨在通過爲思考爭取時間來獲得優勢。問題在於,很多人很少意識到他們過度使用這些填充詞。這就像在遊戲中毫不思索地連續發射火球,向對手透露天真 —— 邀請他們來擊敗你一樣!
  • 在我與人工智能進行英語口語練習時,情況也是一樣的。我發現自己幾乎每次發言都以 “嗯” 或 “你知道” 開頭。機器人不抱怨,但忍受一段充斥著不斷 “嗯,你知道” 的對話,嗯,真是令人沮喪!
  • 總之,今天的遊戲時間提供了令人沮喪但又具啟發性的反思。也許是時候更加注意我的言辭,或者,嗯,向我的人工智能夥伴尋求建議了!
  • Title: Combo Breaker: Language Learning Lessons from the Gaming Arena
  • Author: ThomasL@KH
  • Created at : 2023-12-24 23:59:42
  • Updated at : 2023-12-24 15:12:19
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.