Duality of Celebrations: Christmas and the Enigmatic Solstice

Duality of Celebrations: Christmas and the Enigmatic Solstice

ThomasL@KH Lv4

Christmas and Winter Solstice

There is another important day accompanying Christmas. It is the winter solstice, a day that marks a reunion in the lunar calendar.




The winter solstice, also known as the hibernal solstice, refers to the day on which the sun reaches its lowest point in the sky in the middle of the day. If we live in the north hemisphere, we can spot that the sunset is earlier than other days of the year. Additionally, at the north pole, the winter solstice marks the special time of the year: a day with continuous darkness. The longest night in the Arctic sounds extremely icy!



Winter Solstice in Taiwan

What exactly do Taiwanese do to celebrate the winter solstice? That is a tricky question. The influence of Western culture is massive and irreversible. Most Taiwanese, including me, do not care about authentic traditional holidays anymore. Winter solstice? That is too old-fashioned and is completely out of date! Not to mention we don’t have a day off on the hibernal solstice.

In fact, neither the winter solstice nor Christmas is an official holiday in Taiwan. However, most Taiwanese plan activities for Christmas such as gift changing and parties, but seldom do we prepare for the coming of the winter solstice. What a paradoxical phenomenon! We treat Christmas like a big deal, and turn our backs on our traditional customs.




I know what a winter solstice looks like: it revolves around family reunions, hot sweet soup and delicious tangyuan. Tangyuan refers to glutinous rice balls with a sweet filling like sesame seeds or peanuts or a salty one like ground pork. According to conventional wisdom, the round shape of a tangyuan represents a reunion. Nevertheless, the truth is that I can’t really recall the last time I had such a wonderful hibernal solstice reunion. Maybe it only exists in my imagination, or in a well-designed advertisement.

There is an intriguing fact: food industries usually launch commercials to promote their frozen tangyuan, emphasising how warm-hearted it is to have a bowl of hot tangyuan at a freezing winter night. At the end of the day, we still need commercialisation to remind us of our tradition. How ironic!



Editor’s Comment:
In the dance of traditions, your words waltz between the solstice’s frosty embrace and Christmas’s warm glow. The paradoxes you unveil are like hidden gifts in the snow, waiting to be unwrapped.

ChatGPT’s scoring

  • Vocabulary use: 8/10
  • Grammar use: 9/10
  • Sentence structure and coherence: 8/10
  • Readability: 8/10
  • Overall scoring: 8.25/10
  • GPA standard: A-


  • Rich vocabulary enhances the narrative, providing a detailed description of the winter solstice.
  • Strong grammar application contributes to the overall clarity and precision of the writing.
  • The narrative is well-structured, presenting information in a logical and coherent manner.
  • The inclusion of personal experiences and observations adds authenticity to the reflection.


  • Some sentences could be refined for increased clarity and simplicity.
  • Consider providing more specific examples or anecdotes to further engage the reader.


  • Pay attention to sentence simplicity for improved clarity, especially in conveying complex ideas.
  • Expand on personal experiences or anecdotes to make the content more relatable and engaging.

ChatGPT’s revision

  • Duality of Celebrations: Christmas and the Enigmatic Solstice

  • Christmas and Winter Solstice: A Paradoxical Dance of Traditions

  • Introduction

  • Amidst the festive cheer of Christmas, another significant companion quietly graces the scene – the winter solstice, a day entwined with reunion in the lunar calendar.

  • Unveiling the Winter Solstice

  • The hibernal solstice, or winter solstice, materialises when the sun reaches its zenith in the sky during the heart of the day. For those dwelling in the northern hemisphere, it brings a premature dusk, casting shadows earlier than any other day. At the north pole, this day unveils a unique spectacle – a prolonged encounter with darkness, marking the Arctic’s longest night, an icy symphony of celestial elements.

  • Winter Solstice in Taiwan: A Cultural Conundrum

  • How do Taiwanese commemorate the winter solstice? It’s a nuanced query. The overpowering influence of Western culture has rendered traditional festivities archaic. Concepts like the winter solstice seem antiquated, out of sync with our contemporary rhythms. To compound matters, neither Christmas nor the winter solstice claims the throne as an official holiday in Taiwan. The paradox deepens – a lavish celebration of Christmas, a silent nod to the solstice.

  • While Christmas garners attention with gift exchanges and revelry, the winter solstice is relegated to the shadows. Yet, its essence is not forgotten – family reunions, steaming sweet soups, and the delightful tangyuan, symbolic of reunion with its round form. Alas, the reality differs; the warmth of a solstice reunion becomes a distant memory, perhaps confined to the realm of imagination or well-crafted advertisements.

  • An intriguing twist emerges – commercials peddling frozen tangyuan, spotlighting the warmth of enjoying these treats on a chilly winter night. Irony unfolds as commercialisation nudges us to recollect our traditions. A poignant reminder that even our roots are rekindled by the sparks of consumerism.

  • 慶典的雙重性:聖誕節和神秘的冬至

  • 聖誕節和冬至:矛盾傳統的舞蹈

  • 介紹

  • 在聖誕節的歡樂氛圍中,另一位重要的夥伴悄悄登場 - 冬至,是農曆中一天與團聚緊密相連。

  • 揭示冬至

  • 冬至,或冬至,是太陽在白天的最高點到達的時候。對於生活在北半球的人來說,這意味著比一年中的任何其他日子都更早地降臨夜幕。在北極,這一天揭開了一場獨特的奇觀 - 一天中持續的黑暗,標誌著北極最長的夜晚,一場冰冷的天文交響樂。

  • 在台灣的冬至:文化上的困境

  • 臺灣人如何慶祝冬至?這是一個微妙的問題。西方文化的強大影響使傳統節慶變得陳舊。像冬至這樣的概念似乎過時了,與我們當代的節奏不協調。更糟糕的是,聖誕節和冬至在臺灣都不是官方節日。這種矛盾加深了 - 對聖誕節的盛大慶祝,對冬至的默默點頭。

  • 雖然聖誕節以禮物交換和歡樂為人所重視,但冬至卻被排斥在陰影之中。然而,其本質並未被遺忘 - 家庭團聚、熱騰騰的甜湯和美味的湯圓,以其圓形象徵著團聚。然而,現實卻有所不同;冬至團聚的溫暖成為遙不可及的記憶,或許僅存在於想像的領域或精心製作的廣告中。

  • 一個有趣的轉折出現了 - 商業推銷冷凍湯圓的廣告,突顯了在寒冷的冬夜享用這些美食的溫馨。具有諷刺意味的是,商業化的推動讓我們想起了我們的傳統。一個深刻的提醒,即使我們的根源也被消費主義的火花重新點燃。

  • Title: Duality of Celebrations: Christmas and the Enigmatic Solstice
  • Author: ThomasL@KH
  • Created at : 2023-12-25 19:36:29
  • Updated at : 2023-12-25 19:37:58
  • Link: https://thomaslatkh.github.io/2023/12/25/20231224Christmas02/
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.