Navigating the Past: Crafting a Yearly Report

Navigating the Past: Crafting a Yearly Report

ThomasL@KH Lv4

Yearly Report: A Challenge

It is hard to look back on what I have done in this year. Not because I did not accomplish anything, but because I don’t have a good habit of keeping recording myself. I attempted to make a plan or a review of my productivity, and it was completely a mass.

Anyway, I made a commitment to myself that I must work out a decent report of my productivity by the end of the year. Maybe I could employ the format of my sprint report. Calculating how many words I have written in the past three months would be a nice start.

Another approach is to learn from other content creators’ blogs. I found that some writers are good at arranging their schedules and excellent at maintaining high productivity. In fact, the initial reason why I started to run my blog is because those awe-inspiring bloggers shared their experiences and passion through their words. They spread their enthusiasm for diverse topics, including learning, cooking, movies or even video games.

I hope I can be a swift learner or an insightful writer some time.


無論如何,我向自己承諾,一定要在年底前完成一份我工作成果的體面報告。也許我可以借鑒我的 sprint 報告的格式。計算我過去三個月寫了多少字會是一個不錯的開始。



Editor’s Comment:
In the symphony of self-reflection, your words weave a melody of commitment and aspiration. Here’s to crafting a harmonious report that echoes the nuances of your journey.

ChatGPT’s scoring

  • Vocabulary use: 7/10

  • Grammar use: 8/10

  • Sentence structure and coherence: 8/10

  • Readability: 7/10

  • Overall scoring: 7.5/10

  • GPA standard: B+


  • The commitment to self-improvement and the desire to create a yearly report are well-articulated.

  • The reflection on the difficulty of looking back on the year adds a personal touch to the narrative.

  • The acknowledgment of learning from other bloggers shows a willingness to seek inspiration.


  • Some sentences could benefit from more varied vocabulary to enhance expressiveness.

  • Consider structuring the content more explicitly to improve overall readability.


  • Experiment with a more diverse range of vocabulary to add nuance and depth to your expression.

  • Work on creating a clearer structure for your content to enhance readability and engagement.

ChatGPT’s revision

  • Reflecting on the Year: A Personal Challenge
  • Looking back on the past year proves to be a formidable task, not due to a lack of accomplishments, but my failure to cultivate the habit of self-recording. Attempts at crafting a plan or productivity review resembled more of a chaotic jumble.
  • Regardless, a commitment echoes within me – a pledge to fashion a comprehensive report of my year’s productivity before the calendar turns. Perhaps adopting the format of my sprint reports could serve as a structured initiation, beginning with a word count calculation for the last three months.
  • Another avenue of inspiration lies in perusing the blogs of adept content creators. Some writers exhibit prowess in schedule organization and sustaining elevated productivity. Initially drawn to the world of blogging by these luminaries, I aspire to share my passion and insights as they do. Their ability to infuse enthusiasm into diverse topics – from learning and cooking to movies and video games – fuels my ambition.
  • Here’s to becoming a nimble learner and an insightful writer in the days to come.
  • 航行歲月:打磨年度報告
  • 歲末反思:個人挑戰
  • 回顧過去的一年,證明是一項艱巨的任務,不是因為缺乏成就,而是因為我未培養自我記錄的習慣。試圖制定計劃或進行生產力回顧的努力更像是一團混亂的困惑。
  • 不過,我內心回響著一種承諾 —— 在日曆翻轉之前,我要製作一份全面的年度生產力報告。也許採用我的 sprint 報告的格式可以作為一種有結構的開始,從過去三個月的字數計算開始。
  • 另一個靈感的來源在於閱讀熟練的內容創作者的博客。一些作家在日程組織和保持高效生產力方面展現出優勢。最初被這些博客明星吸引進入博客世界,我渴望分享他們的熱情和見解。他們能夠將熱情注入各種主題 —— 從學習和烹飪到電影和視頻遊戲 —— 激發了我的雄心。
  • 期待在未來成為一個靈活的學習者和富有洞察力的作家。
  • Title: Navigating the Past: Crafting a Yearly Report
  • Author: ThomasL@KH
  • Created at : 2023-12-27 01:26:58
  • Updated at : 2023-12-27 01:26:41
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.